1. BillB

    Touring progressive fork spring upgrade

    Decided as I can't ride for a month or so while I recover from surgery, might as well do some upgrades. Got out the manual and read through it and went what the heck??? Looked at the bike and lo and behold, no drain plugs on the lower sliders. Could understand that in a Roadster or such with...
  2. Navigator

    Rocket laid up until spring

    Today was my last ride on the Rocket until spring and it was a nice one. The weather was perfect and the ride along the water couldn't have been better. I brought the Rocket and my sidecar rig into the garage from the shop afterward where they will stay until spring when I'm all healed and...
  3. vocaldog

    For Sale Trade HD Progessive 440s for comparable

    I recently lost weight and my Progressive 440 Shocks with HEavy Dity springs are too stiff. Will trade for standard 440 springs or comparable shocks.
  4. Stanley R Gray

    Replaced the detent spring

    I replaced the detent spring and the bike wont change gears up or down. The bike wants to move when I ease out on the clutch and would if the brakes weren't applied and it still on the table. What did I do wronge or overlook? HELP PLEASE.
  5. rocketjohn

    Spring Fever

    Got Rocket out for a little trip first time in several months. A little chilly but just had to do it. Might be warmer in a day or two, but I might be at work as well sooooo go when ya can!
  6. 2008 R3T detent spring broke

    So good sh$t happens along with bad sh$t, often all mixed up in recurring cycles all the way from the start to the end. I mean depending on where you want the good and the bad to start, you could go back to when you went to the drive in with dad and came home with mum. So for this little...
  7. cootertwo

    Judder spring or NO judder spring?

    Hi all. I've been reading, searching, and viewing you tube videos, and am still a bit cornfused? I have a Barnett clutch set, with springs, I'm about to install in my 2005 Rocket, that has 58,000 miles on her clock. I've read that some people leave the judder spring out. If so, do you leave the...
  8. Allan S

    2016 Roadster fork spring change

    I'm about to change out the fork springs in my 2016 roadster and somebody told me that the frork springs in the 2016 roadster are already upgraded to progressive rate springs and that I will be wasting my money by swapping out for something I already have (progressive rate springs?). I am doing...
  9. Nat67

    Detent spring

    I am finding a lot less resistance in the return of my gear lever , gearbox is tight , no shift or neutral issues . Is it the beginning of the end for the detent spring or am I just being paranoid ?
  10. Azisbest

    Spring in the desert.

    Just finished a short ride where it was 94 degrees at 8:30pm. And it was not that bad at all, actually pleasant. Of course the sun was down and the humidity was at 9% so I did not even break a sweat. Pretty soon though the only riding I will be doing is very early in the morning heading up...
  11. RooK

    Transmission problem

    Hi all, I own a 2006 R3 Classic. I've been having this issue after long period of highway. When I try to downshift it won't downshift. Basically the lever bottoms out, there is no clicking. After many tries and slowing down I am able to go all the way down and then it works properly. I have...