1. flhtpi

    Left Turn Signals

    Riding home from work today I noticed my left turn signals stopped working. After dinner I did a little trouble shooting. It looks like the flasher is always hot with the igniton turned on. When you select turn signals it provides power from the flasher and then you have turn signals. I have...
  2. benelli_4572

    Broken turn signal

    So...I walk out of a store last evening to find my front right turn signal dangling there! I was curious if anyone knew where/who would have a single turn signal instead of getting a pair! I would like to put some fancy aftermarket ones on some day. But I have yet to fit my new corbin fairing on...
  3. scowherd

    Turn signals

    Dies anyone have a set of rear turn signals for a classic they want to part with? If so let me know how much
  4. Elvis

    Pesky Turn signal

    Has anyone had trouble with the turn signals on the tourer? The front left will not work but the back does, just faster than usual. Would a bad relay be causing that? I have replaced the bulb and checked the wiring and all seems to be good. Even replaced the bulb just in case. I remember...
  5. Turn Signal Queston

    Travelinguy here...laying over in Prescott, AZ...traveling around the US for the next few years on my R3T...way fun...but... My question is: On the 2008 R3T, does the turn signal light circuit run through the main engine computer? In other words…. how can the running of the bike affect the...
  6. LED Rear Turn Signal Lamps

    I replaced the Triumph OEM rear turn signal lamps with Drag Specialists 2" Amber LED (model 20200280) bulbs. It was quite easy to remove the gasket and rear turnsignal socket from the OEM turn signal housing. The Drag Specialists 2" amber LED panel installed easy into the OEM gasket. Depending...
  7. signal canceler

    Hi Can anyone out there reccomend a signal canceler for my British Rocket 3 and how to install it thanks alanstar
  8. dracul

    Front turn signal replacement

    ....could not believe I had to remove the neck shrouds, intake bear claw, move the tank backwards about 3" just to get at the wiring socket for the **** left turn signal!!! What rat**** ergonomics! Did the deed over lunch and some swearing but it's done.:rolleyes:
  9. British Customs Turn Signal Relocation Brackets

    Anyone ever mess with these? If so, any pics? Since Im getting the side mount license plate now, Would love to put the turn signals on the upper shock mount, seeing as I also have no passenger seat. British Customs Turn Signal Relocation Brackets - Rocket III - Triumph Motorcycle Cruisers -...
  10. Willtill

    Want to relocate my rear turn signals

    Hey ya'll, I want to relocate my rear turn signals on my Rocket Classic; from the rear of the license plate bracket to each side of the upper rear fender area; by the chrome fender brackets. Is their a kit out there already manufactured that will do this? Or has someone else done this and...
  11. Turn Signal Problem

    recently my 08 standard, rear right turn signal stopped working! which of course makes the front one flash rapidly! checked the bulb its fine! no corrosion on base of bulb or the contact! occasionally it will work! anyone have this happen! thanks for the help!
  12. Led dual function front turnsignals

    L.E.D. dual function amber front turnsignals I installed a pair of clear lens amber L.E.D. dual function (1157 type) turnsignals from Chris Products. They are nearly a perfect match with the OEM single function (1156) Triumph turnsignals. I had to install a load equalizer. After several...
  13. mikemartin88

    License Plate/Turn Signal Relocation Kit?

    Has anybody tried the Extreme Metal Products license plate and turn signal relocation kit that's on eBay all the time? Triumph Rocket III, License Plate Relocating Bracket:eBay Motors (item 120428704071 end time Jun-11-09 05:08:01 PDT) I'm back and forth between that setup and Rivco's kit. Any...
  14. Where can I get Clear lens for the turn signals

    What to get clear turn signals for the orange turn signals???? where do I go ????clear lens???/ Like the turing bike???? Freightbusters......bustin?:confused:
  15. rusty

    Turn signal "cancelling" button disable.

    I'm installing the Signal Minder & need to disable the stock "signal cancelling" center button. Anyone know how to get into the switching mechinism? It appears the switch body needs to come out of the shell housing from the inside (have removed the detachable half) but the sliding button is on...
  16. tdragger

    Signal Flasher Relay Orientation

    The mechanical flasher relay on the R3 is a 3-pole type and fits into a square recepticle under the right side cover. While replacing the mechanical unit with an eletronic unit (in support of an LED signal conversion), I did not pay attention to the orientation of the blades. From the...
  17. tdragger

    Poll: Rear Turn Signal LED Array

    I've been writing to MBW Motorcycle Products requesting that they produce a set of Rear Turn Signal LED Arrays for the Rocket. They currently do not have plans to do so. My question is how many owners would consider a set if we were to show them that there is enough interest? Below is a link...
  18. Orange Turn signal lights removal

    Anyone replace with the turn signals with ;)somthing not so well so ........................?????
  19. finTR3

    Kuryakyn ISO Grip End Signals for the Triumph

    These cleverly designed LED signals mount directly to the ends of the Kuryakyn ISO grips. The super bright LEDs allow for 360 degrees of visibility. To install, you’ll simply remove the chrome end of the grips and replace them with these signals I just order grips and signals, enyone have...
  20. Front turn signal extended to suit Kuryakyn lowers B

    Front turn signal extended to suit Kuryakyn lowers B

    Front turn signal extended to suit Kuryakyn lowers