
  1. Turn signal dash indicators on

    Weird, after towing it to Florida, when I fired up the bike, both turn signal indicator lights on the dash were on steady. I'm thinking water in the switch maybe, as we rode through heavy rain on the way down. Went off sometimes when I clutched in, and was out and turn signals worked...
  2. Want to Buy Mirrors, Dresser Bars, potentially more...

    Laid the skunk down last Friday, was lucky enough to get away with just cosmetic damage. The list of stuff I'm currently looking for leads on is as follows: (08 R3T) Mirrors Front dresser bars Rear dresser bars Front fender embellisher Front signal light lenses Panniers or repairs to...
  3. Self-cancelling turn signal

    Has anyone installed one of these? Any tips on making the install easy? Link: Signal Dynamics Self Canceling Turn Signal Module - RevZilla
  4. Signal Minder

    Can a Signal Minder be used on a R3T? I had one on my 05 standard, but my 08 Touring doesn't have a flasher (at least I can't find one).
  5. Tach signal r3t?

    So I'm having a problem with my bike misfiring when it gets hot, it's fine for the first half hour, and seems to get worse when it rains, though that could be a red herring. If you let it cool off it seems to be ok for a while. Last time I was out it got bad enough that one cylinder wasn't...
  6. signal lights for forks

    Does any one have the signal light that just wrap around the front forks? any pictures? if so how do you like them? are they bright? and where did you get them? I cant seem to find them for the Rocket 111.
  7. Signal Light Flasher OEM or compatible

    My signal lights have stopped working, so I am assuming it's the flasher relay. The one I have appears to be an aftermarket part that I can't seem to find a replacement for, so I would appreciate if some of you can suggest a compatible flasher for a 08 Classic. I'm in Canada, so something in...
  8. Groovy Quick detach LED turn signal blinkers.

    CLICKnRIDE Quick Release Turn Signals - RevZilla
  9. Front Left Turn Signal Snapped Off

    Just cleaning while lightly rubbing the spray polish off and it just snapped right off. Buggers ! :mad: Have any of you guys had this happen ? I have it held on with some silver duct tape at the moment. Works good ... looks like poo. I'm going to try to fix it with a small piece of aluminum...
  10. Left rear turn signal

    My left rear turn signal has stopped working . I checked the bulb and it still works. Replaced the bulb with the opposite side bulb and still no flash. The indicator and the front bulb flash quickly which was my first indicatind that there was a problem. Where is a good place to start looking...
  11. Want to Buy Right hand front turn signal

    I bet someone has an OEM for a 2011 Roadster laying around. Let my clumsiness be your gain.
  12. R3T Turn Signal Wiring

    On a R3T what is the wiring colour for Front Left and Right turn signals. I have Green/White and Green/Red wired.
  13. Converting Tour Pack lights to signal lights

    Can anyone shed some light on converting my tour pack lights to operate as signal lights, along with the Running and Brake lights they are presently wired for.
  14. Signal lights not working

    Does anyone know how the contacts should be once you remove the turn signal bulb or have a picture of the turn signal bulb socket?
  15. clear turn signal lens

    were can i find clear lens covers front and rear. and led inserts? thank you
  16. Ugly License Plate/Rear Signal Holder

    Ok, one thing I just really don't care for about the R3 is the big honkin' license plate/signal holder hanging off the back fender. I see that they sell a "relocation bracket" that seems to just raise it up and pull the signals in a bit. What options are out there to just get rid of the...
  17. For Sale (SOLD) Rocket Front and Rear Clear Turn Signal Lenses

    Direct replacement for your stock orange ones. Like new...put on and decided I wanted smoke instead. All four $18.00 plus actual shipping. PM if interested.
  18. Turn signal woes

    I'm trying to get my rocket back on the road after wrecking it in July. I had to do a little wiring since a harness was damaged in the crash. Right now in having an issue with the turn signals not working while the engine is running. If the bike isn't on they work fine. However as soon as I...
  19. LED Turn signal advice

    SO i purchased the LED's and tested them and they work fine, with one LED in the front and incandescent in the rear it flashes like crazy. Switched all of the bulbs out and installed the new relay (CF13GL-02) and i get nothing at all. Tried swopping the wires around on one light to see if they...
  20. Help! Signal light won't go off.

    Hey Guys, I was cleaning my bike halfway and suddenly my signal lights (both front and rear, left and right) came on. They don't even blink and just stay on. I wasn't even hosing the bike but just splashing it with a wet cloth and wiping it down. I tried disconnecting the battery for a while...