
  1. Cheap m/bike seats in Honduras...

    Anybody got any good contacts in Honduras? There's bound to be a glut of slightly used passenger seats for motorbikes now. BBC News - Honduras bans motorcycle passengers in anti-crime move Its probably the thin end of the wedge really. Be Mexico next followed by Miami and LA. Look out...
  2. Metcruze Seat - Aus

    Just got my bike back after 3 months thinking about getting back on - finally picked my bike up from my brother-in-law with a thick layer of dust and chicken **** all over it. Ordered a fastback metcruze seat, a couple of days ago - had a talk to Garry who has a Rocket III himself and was a...
  3. Corbin heated seat

    Removed my Triumph Long Haul seat with backrest this afternoon and reinstalled my Corbin heated seat. The difference this time was that I hooked up the heat this time (didn't need it originally, and eventually removed it while I was doing my "traveling") and amazingly worked. I...
  4. Corbin Seat

    I want a Corbin seat for the R3R. Anybody in Oz bought a corbin and where did you get it. I have tried to order one from the US but Corbin will not accept my order, I am told to go through the Oz agent, but there is no agent that I can find. Kenmar used to be the agent but they gave it away...
  5. My new seat!

    Really comfortable for those long hauls!
  6. Seat question

    Hi Guys. I have a 2007 Classic with the "Tourer" package. The previous owner has installed a Corbin dual tour saddle which is mounted with a different bracket than the stock seat. He has also provided me with the original seat and a Triumph gel seat. I want to try the gel seat as I'm not happy...
  7. R3 Classic seat question

    Hi all, Does anyone know whether the Triumph long haul seat part number A9700196 will fit my 07 Classic? Thanks Alan
  8. Motorcyclist Lands In Van Back Seat, Unhurt

    All things considered, I would rather have ridden to Mojave Desert on my R3 (vs. the back of a stranger's van). Motorcyclist Lands In Van Back Seat, Unhurt VICTORVILLE, Calif. (Associated Press) -- A California motorcyclist rear-ended a minivan and was hurled through a window into the...
  9. Corbin Seat Help...

    Hey guys, it's time for a new seat and I notice a lot of you have Corbin Seats. I'm torn between the Young Guns and Fast Gun seats. I just got off the phone with a rep and asked him to compare the two seats, and he said the Fast Gun seat is a little lower and narrower while the Young Guns seat...
  10. Seat Fitment

    Hey guys, I bought a nearly new comfort tour seat from the site early this year, and never bothered to check fitment. On the tag under the seat is A9700186, and under that 23-07. This is a two-piece unit, one piece seat, with back rest, and a bracket for mounting. The bracket works just like...
  11. New seat

    Stopped by the Corbin shop in Hollister, CA this morning. Found out I did not need my solo seat...they make their own (silly me thought they could just use mine as a "foundation" and improve it from there). But for $807 smackers (with a matching backrest) I am having a heated seat made...
  12. stock solo seat sux going to Riches in Kingston Wa

    I'm 6'2" and the stock solo seat sucks more than the stock seat on my Busa, I've done 750 miles in 1 day on the Busa and after 45 min's on the Rocket my twig and berries are **** near numb. It feels like I'm sitting on a slope and the seat seems to push me forward, p.o.s. seat! I've heard...
  13. Under Seat K & N Filter

    What exactly is the "12 minute tune", how do you do it and do I need to do one because I installed the under seat K & N filter yesterday. Thanks!
  14. Airhawk seat cushion vs Day-Long saddle

    After completing a recent 800 mile jaunt on my Rocket III Classic with dual Gel seat, I made a determination that the Triumph seat would not be sufficient for any ride longer than cruising around town. I was going to order a Russell Day-Long saddle soon, but then a friend reminded me about the...
  15. Russell Day Long Seat Failure

    I guess it is normal to complain when you don't get your way with a dealer / supplier of parts. I sent my seats to Russell and have been very pleased with the results. My beef is the vinyl has started to fail and Russell can only comment the it must have been left in the sun. The pictures show...
  16. My new seat

    My new seat So if (big if) I can figure out how to post pictures, these are a few of my '05 Speedy and my R3R. New seat and pillion and backrest made in my shop. Main difference is that I took out about 1" to sit lower and sculpted the back forward maybe 2" so I now fit in it rather than on...
  17. Seat fitting

    Hi, Anyone know if a dual seat for a 2005-2010 Rocket III is likely to fit a 2004 model? eBay seller has no idea! Thanks Doug
  18. 2011 Roadster seat intake

    Does anybody know if removing the underseat intake channel to the airbox help performance and would removing it allow water to enter the filter compartment. I need more room under the seat to install a Scorpio motorcycle alarm.
  19. young guns seat by corbin

    Some of you have convinced me the Corbin Young Guns seat is pretty well made, durable and comfortable. Have any of you experienced warranty problems? How long does Corbin take to complete a special order seat and ship it? Are the patterns, such as alligator (faux) well incised or just...
  20. Under seat air filter replacement

    How much of an improvement do you get when the intake system is changed to the under seat air filter. Is it worth doing.