1. Steele Rocket

    Seat options 2013 Rocket III Touring SE

    I talked to my dealer about getting a seat for A) Comfort, B) Lowering, and most desired C) Comfort AND Lowering (I have stubby legs!) What aftermarket seats do you people have, where did you get them, and how would you rate them for any of the above listed criteria? Does anyone here know if...
  2. rubytwoe

    New Seat !

    I had my old seat reupholstered. I put a more durable textured vinyl and silver carbon fiber for the trim. If it is too loud you are too old!
  3. Longhaul touring seat and Rivco risers

    I just got my new 2012 Touring and it came with the longhaul touring seat. I was wondering how many of you have this seat and the Rivco risers, and what you think about the combination. I read one thread by someone who felt that the risers weren't necessary once he put the longhaul seat on...
  4. Bright Brown

    SOLD - solo seat with backrest for my roadster

    Does anyone know if the triumph A9708158 backrest works on the roadster stock solo seat or does the triumph A9708162 solo seat fit on the roadster. I want a solo seat with a backrest. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, BB
  5. DRMD421

    Solo seat

    Looking to buy a solo seat for the scooter. Anybody got one stashed that you wanna part with or any suggestions for a good deal?
  6. monks_point

    Seat comfort

    How's the stock seat? Is it comfortable for 200+ miles? The Bonnie's stock seat sucks after about an hour. If the R3 seat is lacking, what's the popular replacement? I'm about to send my Bonnie seat off to itsagreatsaytoride to have is refomed for comfort.
  7. Corbin Seat Key Mount How-to

    Just purchased a Corbin Dual Tour for my 05 Rocket. Only thing I didn't like was the Corbin seat mount, was a 1/4" on one side and a 1/2" on the other side from lining up. After reading others posts, here and elsewear, I decided to attach the factory seat post to the Corbin seat. 1. Drilled out...
  8. Izzo2

    quick seat question

    I've got the Corbin young gun seat on my bike now, which I love, but my girlfriend doesn't like the firmness or the way it slopes down in the back. I found a good deal on an 07 classic tourer seat -will I have any problems fitting it to my 08 standard? I've heard they come off with some kind of...
  9. Accessory seat pad, or redo

    Have about 40K on my rocket classic 2007, seat is getting a little hard, anybody know of any accessory seat pads or anyone redoing seats with a little extra? thanks
  10. Best seat ever!

    On the RAA VII, a lot of people were asking about my Russell Day Long dual touring seat. Let me relate how comfortable this seat is. My lady and I rode to NC and back from St. Louis Missouri. That's 600 miles. We made it in one day, and did it again on the way back, plus a few hundred more miles...
  11. Battersea

    Longhaul Seat

    Have just completed the first long trip on my Classic and found that my backside started to complain after a couple of hours of non-stop riding. Never had this problem on my H-D Fatboy so am assuming the Rocket seat and my bum ain't quite compatible. Anyone know how the standard Classic seat...
  12. tford69

    rear seat

    looking for a wider more comfortable rear seat for my r3r. any suggestions? thanks.
  13. Seats?

    Anyone have a suggestion on seats? I am looking at the Corbin Solo for an 2008 R3 classic. I generally like to sit alittle back (towards the rear of the bike) on the current seat. Being 6'2", it helps the ole hips ..... Will the corbin work for me??? Suggestions........... I just want a good...
  14. jthree

    Seat (No not that question)

    I bought my R3 Classic used so not sure what I have. I'm looking at the Corbin web site and it shows a "Solo" seat that "will also mount in conjunction with your stock passenger seat". Here's my confusion, my seat is all-in-one and as such the passenger seat is not separate. Does this mean I...
  15. kingmerle

    spencer seat mods

    Can anyone tell me if this company is still in business. I have tried to contact them by email and never get a response back.
  16. R3 Guy

    Recommended Seat

    Ok, I just rode 1400 miles in 4 days....and the seat has to go. Looking for some recommendations on seats. Is Corbin the best route to go??
  17. Looking for suggestions on seat

    Anyboyd have this and is it worth getting>? Also the back rest Triumph Rocket III Classic Touring Seat, A9708164
  18. Akita Man

    Factory Dual Tour Seat

    Does this seat mount with the key lock as does the stock 2 piece seat. Or does it mount like the Corbin?
  19. slidderhd

    Best Seat for R3T

    Ok, what is the best seat for the R3T? I need to make sure my wife is comfortable. The Victory's and Harley's take care of this issue.:)
  20. JMichael

    Source of heat under the seat.

    I am wondering what is the primary source of heat that I feel heating up the Rocket seat. Could it be coming from the cat, or is it coming from the back of the motor? Anyone with an opinion about this? You would think with Triumph designing the air intake to pass through the under portion of the...