
  1. Less expensive Windscreens

    I found an aircraft windscreen manufacturer that makes bike screens. They are beautiful and nearly impossible to tell from the factory parts for $170-$200 depending on height and color. They can be ordered from 2" shorter to 8" taller than factory and bolt right to the standard front end fixing...
  2. Fly Screen Mod

    I am thinking about extending the Fly Screen distance when mounting to buy some additional room. I stole this shot from the other site. Not a bad idea, but still thinking.
  3. Fly Screen question

    I've got a 2006 R3 classic and I'm looking to get some type of screen to take a bit of the wind off. I like the look of the fly screen, but the Triumph accessories manuel says that the fly screen won't fit on the Classic. Not sure why. Does anyone know if the fly screen does fit on the...
  4. Formotion compass on clearview screen

    Formotion compass on clearview screen
  5. Do I have the Roadster screen?

    Hello all, After comparing the SKU numbers, it seems that I do have the Roadster screen. The part number is A9740049. I googles it, and it came up as "screen asbly - roadster". One of the main reason I went with the Tourer was for the windshield!! Man, the wind beats the heck out of me on...
  6. The Summer Triumph Screen!!!!!!

    Anyone have comments on this summer screen???GOOD OR BAD>>>>RIGHT OR WRONG......just a lot of $$$$$$...I hate to make the wrong choice.....also its hot and humid here in florida and I now wear a 1/2 helmet after holding a friends head in my hands after he hit a coral rock wall..uhhhhh that was a...
  7. Wind Or No Wind???screen

    :roll:Can ya help me and my pretty face!!!!!!!! I can't seem to get ahold of any samples to try to eliminate the wind and protect mysefl from 3 inch bugs, gravel and rocks from trucks, sand in the road and gunshots.......ach maybe forget the gunshot! ANY IDEAS AND COMMENTS PLEASE! Try...
  8. Zumo splash screen

    Plug your Zumo into your Mac or PC and drag this file onto your Zumo. Then click the wrench in the bottom right corner of your Zumo screen and click on the "Display" button. Next to "Splash screen" click "Change..." Find the Triumph screen and click on it. A few seconds later, you'll be...
  9. Sportscreen

    Thinking of a wind screen for my '05. Triumph UK website shows a clear Sportscreen. Anyone have any experience with it?
  10. chin spoiler and fly screen

    other site Link Removed Pig9r and busajack put some really nice sites up with a lot of nice pictures of the Rockets, and I noticed some of the Rockets have a chin spoiler under the radiator. Does anyone know where to buy one? And also there is a different fly screen than the one available from...
  11. Fly Screen

    How does everyone like the fly screen at for those who ride with one? Does it out the wind over your head or right into your face? I am 6 foot 1 for hight comparison. Freak
  12. Triumph Screen Saver

    Pretty cool screen saver, showing off the new bikes.
  13. Tinted Windscreens?

    Does anyone here ride with a tinted windscreen? I am getting another Clearview GT-25 screen for my Rocket this time with an air vent and the cutouts to accommodate the Triumph light bar. The only option I haven't selected yet is if I want it tinted or not. Just curious as to what others think...
  14. Fly Screen

    Hi Guys. Before I buy the stock triumph fly screen can anyone advise me as to it's affectiveness as a wind deflector (i am 5'7") OR anyone know of something equally as pretty in the aftermarket accessories arena. Thanks
  15. Summer Screen vs Touring Screen

    The pro's and cons of each for the 6ft 2" tall, 200 lb average male Rocketeer. Discuss!