
  1. BigBill

    2012 Rocket Roadster Out

    At British USA in South Houston this morning to pick up some Triumph teardrop mirrors for my Roadster, and they had a new 2012 Roadster on the showroom floor. Salesman was unaware of any changes for 2012. Seemed strange to me that you couldn't find a Matte Black last April in Texas. Makes a...
  2. Power-Tripp

    ATTN: Roadster owners - FREE mapping!!!

    I am looking for a Roadster owner that is interested in mapping his STOCK R3R... for FREE. In order to develop a TuneECU map range for stock Roadsters, I am willing to fully map a stock Roadster at no cost to the owner other than their time and costs to show up at Power-Tripp Performance. I...
  3. 2011 R3Roadster Torq Issue

    I just finished breaking in a 2011 Rocket 3 Roadster and couldn't get the power and torq performance I was expecting. I ride at 4000 to 5000 FTASL. Had the dealer remap the fuel for gasoline w/ethonal as they thought that might be the issue. Some improvement but nothing like my 2006 Rocket...
  4. chaos

    Roadster Clocks

    Anyone fitted roadster clocks on a R3T ?
  5. Risers for R3 Roadster, and a real horn!

    Hi, FastEddie from Canada. Bought my Roadster last week, and love it. The people at r3... say their risers do not fit the Roadster, and thoughts? The horn on my bike is simply too wimpy for the bike, need a more MANLY horn. cheers, FastEddie

    Roadster Upgrade Process

    I recently purchased a Roadster which is the third Rocket I have owned. I love the new riding position and look but had been disappointed with the power. Utilizing the extensive knowledge available on this site, thanks to so many,after break in I ran the bike for the first 3k miles with a GI Pro...
  7. hegels

    tow hitch for the roadster

    has anyone towed with the roadster before? how do they do? i've pulled with a kawasaki voyager before but nothing of this scale or with as big of a rear tire. reason i ask is that i have a kwik camp i would like to pull behind the roadster. pretty up to the job then? or should i just not...
  8. Jim/Maine

    Roadster & Thunderbike?

    Feeling a bunch hunched over on my Roadster (I'm only 5'9") and have lowered my seat by 1" --- anyone put the 1.5" Thunderbike bars on a Roadster. Thunderbike web site says that the instrument pods may need some change to the stock bracket. Thought about the Rivco riser but I do like the...
  9. evomind

    Picked up my 11 Roadster

    when i bought the bike i sent it straight to my performance shop. he did the TORS, crossover pipe, secondaries, 3 k and n, and gipro. it also has a PC5 set to zero map. i didnt ride it b4 the work was done, but the perf shop owner did. (hes a good friend of mine) he said the bike is night and...
  10. motolink

    Roadster Headlight not impressed

    I have only been out on the Roadster two times at night but the headlght does not impress me. It seemd the low beam is too low, it might be the adjustment which I have adjusted now but not tried out yet. Is there and specification which I can adjust to on the garage wall. I know my 2008...
  11. 2011 Roadster seat intake

    Does anybody know if removing the underseat intake channel to the airbox help performance and would removing it allow water to enter the filter compartment. I need more room under the seat to install a Scorpio motorcycle alarm.
  12. motolink

    Any Roadsters in Brisbane Australia with Stain Tunes or Jardines

    I would like to hear the Stain Tune or Jardines exhaust sound, anyone in Brisbane Australia or close by have them on their Roadster.
  13. 08nzrocket

    New Roadster

    Picked up my 2011 roadster a couple of weeks ago and am very impressed with the over all power and ridability compared to my old touring.can now concentrate on putting miles on it, miss the ease of storing things in the panniers but will look at bags of some description shortly
  14. motolink

    Another Aussie Roadster

    Its time to make it offical, I picked my Phantom Black Roadster two weeks ago, only been able to get 400km on it but looking forward to many more soon.
  15. Jim/Maine

    TOR's for Roadster

    Any thoughts on going to a set of TOR's for a Roadster. Is the "look" the same, which I like? Are they as wide and same length? How much effect on performance? I might go to an under seat filter but am a bit concerned with the sound from triple K&N's. Anyone have this setup? Thanks.
  16. motolink

    Centre stand for Roadster

    Whats the go, who sells them, the price, does it interfere with the stain tune crosover and how hard is it to use.
  17. motolink

    Roadster fuel gauge/fuel light accuracy

    Is this normal, filled the tank, the low fuel light came on at 216km, I rode another 54km, all the bars on the fuel gauge were gone, filled the tank it took 16.41 liters, thats about 16.5 km to the liter. This means there were 10 liters in the tank when the low fuel light came on, the owners...
  18. Roadster peg position

    Has anyone changed a standard Rocket foot controls to the Roadster version? If so, how much did it cost for the hardware? It looks like I would have to replace all the foot controls rather than just the support bars, reusing the brake & shifter parts . I like the idea of having my feet more...
  19. Roadster Haze Red

    Here are a couple of pics of a 2011 Roadster that is for sale on other side of the pond. Pretty cool colour...hope they become available over here. Just wondering what you guys think??? ****, wish they made some Corbin like bags that were colour matched. Think would look pretty ****...
  20. motolink

    Taking delivery of a new Roadster

    I will be taking delivery of my new 2011 Roadster shortly, is there anything I should specifically check before taking delivery, I imagine the dealer will have given it a good pre delivery check. Also at what km should the engine oil be changed to a syn oil.