
  1. fnscotsman

    Renntec For Roadster

    I know there are a few of us out there looking at accessories for the Roadster. I knew Renntec did aftermarket accessories for the Bonnies etc. So I thought I would send them an e-mail to see what their plans were for backrests/sissybar/luggage racks in the future. This is their reply, so...
  2. The New Bike

    The New Bike

  3. The New Addition

    The New Addition

  4. The New Addition To The Stable

    The New Addition To The Stable


    Some thoughts on my new Roadster

    Picked up my new 2014 Roadster yesterday :D I Had a chance to put a couple hundred miles on her today. Here are a few of my initial observations. All of these are in comparison to my R3T I don't know if its the different seating position compared to my R3T but in my opinion the Roadster feels...
  6. Roadster front footboards, Brake position

    Hi All - I am a new proud owner of a 2014 Roadster, recently traded in the 2012 Tbird Storm and a week ago picked up this beauty. Since I am new to the Rocket Roadster I thought I would reach out here for some advice. I'm not sure if the newer bikes have had changes to the positioning of the...
  7. New to the Rocket III Roadster with questions

    Hello everybody, I purchased a 2011 Triumph Rocket III Roadster about 2 weeks ago and i believe it to be one of the nicest cruiser bikes I have ever rode. Not to mention it has some serious bawlz when the throttle is open. I Went through the 80's bike thing to start, then rode a Honda VTX1800...
  8. zzorg

    Roadster by the end of the year

    Hi there guys, just introducing myself. I'm down in Mandurah WA, but moving to Kalgoorlie in a few months time. Got an older ZZR1100 that's been a great old war horse, but the time is drawing nigh to trade her in. After a lot of research I'm up for a Rocket III Roadster nearer to the end of the...
  9. Battersea

    Roadster TORS

    Just a heads up for anyone in the UK with a Roadster and looking to fit TORS, there's a special on them at the moment £260. Triumph Parts Locator » World of Triumph
  10. Thinking of buying a Roadster

    Hi from New Zealand. First time on the site. I'm thinking of selling my Harley (please keep jokes short) and buying a Roadster. I'm looking at a 2008 and a 2012. Is there any real difference and did the 2008 have the little problems sorted out from the previous years. Ta Ady.
  11. rocketrod

    Early 2013 vs late 2013 Roadster

    I am trying to decide whether to buy the earlier model roadster without the enhancements or a later model with the enhancements. I have an opportunity to get a great deal on an earlier model. Has anybody ridden both that could tell how dramatic the difference is?:cool:
  12. rumbler05

    Roadster vs Touring model

    Took my 05 into trade,at the dealer in Lex. KY, on a 2013 Roadster or touring model! I Was offering my 05 , which has has all options including CB and Skyfi radio. Bike runs excellent an always garaged, 18,00 miles on her! They offered me $4,300 as a trade? I want to get a bike that is...
  13. Piss! My Roadster didn't run for sh#$

    Just got back from the track with my 12' Roadster. Carpenter pipe, Carpenter tune and K and N's. Best I could muster was a 11.97 and I don't suck at riding. What the hell is wrong? Are the secondary butterflies slowing me down? Any ideas? So far this thing is a big disappointment and the...
  14. carlsonp

    2013 R3 Roadster Review

    Hi All: My 2013 Roadster finally delivered and thought I'd jot down my initial thoughts and impressions. Hopefully it's of interest to those here and perhaps some help to those 'kicking the tires'. In 13 days I've ridden 400 miles and am waiting to hit 700 or 800 before taking it on some...
  15. flyreels

    looking at a new Roadster 2013

    Hi my name is Pete and I live in Australia and I am just doing some reading before buying. I have been riding for about 40 years now, my brother had a classic back in 09 and it was nice to ride but he turns over bikes ever 2 years so we never did see how the reliability of the panned out. When...

    Roadster test ride today

    My daughter and I took a drive today and took a new Roadster for a test ride. Here are some observations..... 1) It feels like a much lighter bike than it actually is. 2) It handles better, steers better and corners better than my Touring. 3) Its fast :D Here is a video of me in...
  17. glenn-iocb

    custom exhaust and linkpipe for rocket roadster

    heyhey, welded a new linkpipe 4 the roadster cause the original is pretty restrictive, and attached 2 laser duo tech pipes.
  18. Confusion about Rivco risers on a 2013 Roadster

    I was about ready to purchase Rivco risers for my 2013 Roadster, when I made a last minute query to Rivco about the part number. The answer from their "Main Tech. Guy" was that the risers were for the Touring, Classic, and Standard only, NOT for the Roadster. So, having had no experience with...
  19. 1olbull

    ROADSTER TEST in MC Consumer News

    I just now received my current issue of Motorcycle Consumer News! True to the editor's word - There is a Rocket Roadster test in the June issue. The title reads, "Heavyweight HOT ROD Touring - Triumph's Rocket III Roadster vs Honda's Gold Wing F6B" This has gotta be good - think I shall savor...
  20. Will Roadster exhaust fit 05 R3?

    I have an 05 R3 with the stock 3 pipe exhaust system. I want to replace it with a dual system. I really like the stock exhaust on the new Roadster but I'm not sure if it will fit my 05. The Rocket's design has been similar since the first bike in 04, so I'm hoping they will fit. Anyone out there...