
  1. roadster windshield brackets

    Anyone have a source for just the brackets for a roadster? Triumph sells a "kit" but according to clearview it doesn't have all the necessary parts to mount their windshield. Thanks
  2. Dawg68

    Roadster Fog Lamps

    Before I take the tools to my triumph roadster fog lamps, has anyone ever changed the bulbs? If so do you know what type they are? Thanks
  3. Mike188

    For Sale 2012 Roadster Mufflers & Crossover pipe

    I have both factory cans, and the factory collector/cat box pipe off a 2012 Roadster for sale. They have about 12,000km on them, no dings, dents or scratches. Selling because I have finally got the TOR's and crossover pipe installed. Thought I would get a new price on these from the stealers and...

    2014 Roadster

    Anyone know which map is the base map for the 2014 Roadster? Also is there any maps for the 2014 Roadster with aftermarket pipes and KN/Ramair filters? Much appreciated

    My 2014 Roadster Build...

    Figured I would start a thread on my 2014 R3 Roadster Build... Highway Pegs from my 2012 Goldwing - done Right side is a straight bolt on, the left side clamp needs to be grounded at a 30degree angle to fit on the slanted tube in front of the gear shifter Fuse block with relay and 6...
  6. ToneThePhone

    For Sale Crazy Wife Wrote my Supercharged Roadster Advert

    Here's the advert link the bike resides in Northwest England so I don't suspect many are close enough to bid but I did think that the ad written by my missus might amuse your friends. Sharing...
  7. MikeDeY

    Want to Buy Left Side Jardine Pipe for 2011 Roadster

    Hello, I'm looking for a left-side Jardine pipe. I messed mine up in my wreck a couple years ago, and don't want to shell out the cash for a whole new system.
  8. Lifelong Biker

    Blacked out front of Roadster

    I decided chrome is OUT and Black is IN! Couldn't powder coat the radiator cowl or horn, so I used Plasti-Dip spray 2 cans for around $13.00 What do you guys think? Stuff is easy to work with and you can peel it off if you don't like it! Hold up to a powerwasher! BGefore and after pics!

    R3 Roadster Accessory Sites

    I had a new 2005 Rocket III and traded it in for my 2012 Goldwing. I just purchased a new 2014 Roadster as an addition to my collection. When I originally had my other Rocket there were a decent amount of extras. The accessories (after market) seem to have diminished greatly. I would appreciate...
  10. Roadster silencers on a classic?

    Do they fit straight on or are the intermediate pipes different? Thanks Simon
  11. Mittzy

    Want to Buy Roadster Riders Seat/Back Rest

    Hi, I am looking to put a riders back rest on my 2010 Roadster. I don't know if the original seat can be modified to fit a back rest or if I am up for a complete seat. I might look at installing a classic seat if I have no luck here. Thanks in advance...
  12. ricochet

    Roadster Fly Screen Install Questions

    Hey Fellas! Winter is in full force, another day of -30c wind chills... still trying to keep busy in the work shop. Now that I've got most of my electrical components and accessories under control, I am now looking at my phantom black fly screen. I've installed screens before but this one is a...
  13. Vinkster

    Help - Another Roadster ECU Issue

    I am new to the TuneECU. I understand it and am not afraid of it. But that doesn't stop me from breaking stuff. I was able to connect, download, and save the stock tune just like a couple other roadster issues. This was done yesterday. I had the headlight fuse out, bike on charger, laptop on...
  14. gunnar1

    For Sale roadster style foot peg brackets cheap!

    I had the stock classic brackets modified by moving the foot peg mounts back , they are professionally welded and look great. The location is slightly forward of the roadster. Works great, it is a bit of a reach to the shift lever and is perfect for a big foot guy, If you have a small foot be...
  15. pballwiz

    Roadster or R3 standard exhaust?

    Switched out my standard three pipe exhaust for the Roadster dual pipe setup and just wondered if anyone new which exhaust flowed better or made more power. I know some will say why bother but I really like the looks of the Roadster exhaust and it sounds better too. I wanted to keep the decibel...
  16. Mittzy

    Loads of Roadster parts on eBay

    Found this lot on eBay. Someone might be looking for these parts.
  17. Want to Buy Roadster foot controls, UK

    Anyone want to swap their Roadster foot controls for my 2010 Classic footboards/controls. Drop me an email or PM. Thanks Simon
  18. For Sale 2011 Roadster 11,200

    2011 roadster, 17,xxx miles jardine exhaust, pod filters, tune and aerolite carbon fiber filter cover message for more pictures if interested
  19. Gregger

    From America To Roadster

    I've talked about this for years and finally did it. Last week I purchased a brand new 2012 R3R sight unseen. I was shopping for one while I was down south for a few days in Ottawa. The dealer only had the 2014 units in stock. Torn between the blacked out 2014 models and the blinged up...
  20. MCDVX

    ($700 is Good Price?) OEM Triumph Rocket-III Classic/Roadster WINDSHIELD + FOG LIGHTS + MOUNTING KIT

    ($700 is Good Price?) OEM Triumph Rocket-III Classic/Roadster WINDSHIELD + FOG LIGHTS + MOUNTING KIT Triumph Rocket III Classic Roadster Windshield Fog Lights Mounting Kit | eBay