
  1. Want to Buy still looking for a sissy bar for a roadster

    short, tall dont care.... someones gotta have 1 laying around...:thumbsup:
  2. Rocket Roadster owner in North CarolinaIt

    Hello everybody! Bought my Roadster last year and have been "lurking"on here, ever since. Our previous road bike was an 07 Road King. While it was OK, it's not in the same league, power and handling wise, as a Rocket. I've picked up some great advice on here and looking forward to continue...
  3. Old N' Grumpy

    Anybody Put A T-Bird Or Bonny Shifter On A Roadster With Pegs?

    I know you did Bull but you have floorboards. I looked at a Bonny shifter today and when I lined it up with the spline on a Roadster it looks like you can't reach the shifter. Didn't install so don't know for sure but me thinks this mod is just for floorboard bikes...correct?

    Roadster Seat vs Classic Seat

    What's everybody's opinion on seating options for the Roadster? Stock Roadster 2 part seat, Roadster Gel Seat, Classic seat, Long haul touring gel seat?
  5. Toddyboy

    roadster recall

    So after replacing the final drive in my Roadster and ordering a new drive shaft from my local dealer (200kms away) I found out there's a recall that replaces wiring in my headlight and puts in a relay to avoid main wiring harness screw up. Which I've already replaced for a cost of $1800 . so...
  6. magicbus

    For Sale For Sale - 2010 R3 Roadster Accessories

    I have a few accessories for a 2010 Triumph Rocket Roadster all in good condition. Original shocks were taken off the bike after 1 year as I replaced them with Hagons. Items for sale/postage are to UK/NI Only. Price excludes any P&P: OEM Rear Shocks: £100.00 OEM Touring Screen + Brackets: SOLD...
  7. Paul Bryant

    Want to Buy Roadster Silencer mounting Brackets

    Anyone have a pair of Roadster Silencer mounting brackets that are excess to requirements? Contact;
  8. R3Rboy

    For Sale Rivco Risers TR3017 - Classic or Roadster - SOLD

    Bought new this past winter for $170. Opened box, verified contents but never used them. My reach is either fine as is or I am not riding enough to notice (sad I know). Hopefully someone can use them and I can get some of my money back. Happy to ship international if someone is interested...
  9. aussierocket

    Link Pipe

    Hi All, Just wanting to know which and where to buy the best free flowing link pipe for my 2010 roadster. Cost is Fourth to quality, performance and looks. They must connect to stock headers and TORS. I live in Australia but can order anywhere depending on whats best. I saw this one online...
  10. TheKid

    Roadster swingarm on a Touring?

    I was wondering if you could put a Roadster or Classic swingarm on a Touring. What it would take. Any advise?
  11. Ishrub

    Roadster original accessories catalog with photos and part numbers

    Roadster original accessories catalog with photos and part numbers. Read it and weep most is no longer available. Could help you locate that rarity on eBay or other sites. I would be interested to hear what people would still like to be able to get and maybe unearth some spares from those...
  12. Mickman

    Roadster Trike

    Mick from Liverpool UK here saying hi to you all, I have a 97 Roadster which has been triked, just on the lookout for alternative spark plug caps, as my local dealer says you have to buy the full set (over £140!!) hence me looking for a cheaper option! Any info muchlyb appreciated!
  13. albertaduke

    sump on a 2013 roadster

    gents.... drained the oil and have removed the 18 bolts on the edge holding the sump from the case the drawing on my book shows only 17 of them strange!! however my question, is the sump on a 2013 any different than a 2006 R3 my book is from 2006 am I missing something ? because...
  14. -Ray-

    Greetings! 2014 R3R need to re-map, I think!

    Hi everyone, this is my first post. everyone on the FB groups said to come over there is lots to learn. I'vegot about 800 miles on my 2014 R3R (got it "new" this march for a steal since its been sitting for 2 years) and it is wonderful. right now the bike is bone stock but i'm...
  15. Boony

    2010 Roadster VIN Location

    This is probably an easily answered question. I can't find the VIN location. I have the cable and Tune-ECU software and want to start trying a few different tunes. Some of the maps mention that the tune is for up to VIN # 574812 or from VIN # 574813. I don't want to load the wrong one. I had...
  16. Ishrub

    For Sale Or Swaps - Roadster primed fiberglass Flyscreen

    Roadster primed fiberglass Flyscreen. What you see is what you get. Appears to be well made quality molding using stock Flyscreen as template/base mold. Will need brackets and fork mounts from an existing Fly or clear Sportscreen. Feeling evil? Suit someone who wants an alternative to their...
  17. ricochet

    Anyone have the Roadster Windshield?

    I was just wondering how you like it. They're pretty expensive, I would want to make sure it's the right thing for me if I was looking for a little more comfort while touring. I am about 5'11 and wondering if anyone could tell me if the wind would be deflected over my head at that height. Does...
  18. Thinking to buy 2014 Roadster

    Hi, Just found the one in town, 2014 Roadster with 7200 miles for $12000 (out the door) at a dealer. I test rode it and everything seems to be fine. Per this dealer, if I buy it from them, I will get 2 year unlimited mile warranty which I thought is good deal to have. But $12K ($11K +...
  19. ToxIc2300

    For Sale 2012 R3 Roadster exhaust

    I have the full 2012 R3 Roadster factory exhaust system for sale. Exhaust manifold back with all heat shields and brackets.