1. RickyT

    First Ride

    Picked the Rocket in December....got out on it the first time today....wow what a bike!
  2. Mark Olson

    First good ride on the new R3R

    Took my new R for a long ride today and had a couple of funny moments! Two older gents at the gas station thought it was really something! They asked how big the motor was and I said 2500cc's. The one fellow said and I quote," It must be a real rocket!!!" I almost fell over and told him it was a...
  3. Lamonster

    Short video of part of our ride

    We had a great ride in the low 60's. Love this bike.
  4. zimtuff

    I got to ride an R for an hour

    1 hour is not long enough. But it gave me a taste. It was an R with the standard mid controls which was too cramped for me. The seat was also a bit small length wise. Im a long legged 6.2in But every thing else was great. The best 3 improvements over the old model is the steering, gear change...
  5. 7Sevens

    RIDE ON | Triumph Best of British Tour

    A night out in downtown Atlanta for the Triumph Best of British Tour.
  6. 7Sevens

    RIDE ON | TFC R3 OTR and Hitting the Dirt at 60 mph!

    First Rideout with Erik's brand new 2500cc Triumph Factory Custom Rocket, including an excursion onto the dirt at 60 mph for Wayne on his F6B!
  7. 7Sevens

    RIDE ON | Dyno'd Triumph Rocket 3 | Factory Custom (TFC) vs R3-R

    SCOOP! 2020 R3's (TFC vs R) Dyno'd - Awesome Result!
  8. 7Sevens

    RIDE ON | Triumph Rocket 3 | Test Ride

    The all-new 2500 cc Rocket 3 - whoah, what's not to like?
  9. 7Sevens

    RIDE ON | Triumph Factory Custom (TFC) Rocket 3 Uncrating

    My friend Erik's new and very special Triumph Factory Custom (TFC) Rocket 3 Uncrated!
  10. Timbo

    First ride of the year

    Roads were dry, it was about 5c out and windy but for the first time in months it was dry so I had to take the Rocket out for a spin. Have done a load of work to it over the winter - new Barrett clutch, Ramair, powder coat wheels, new bearings and tyres and a load of other "tidying" up jobs and...
  11. rainman

    Our new year ride

    We met mulley and Glenn at brothers restaurant in Murphy NC today Had a good ride there and back Some videos will be forthcoming
  12. Steel

    Who Needs Reindeer

  13. rainman

    Ride today

    Me and Wendy went for another ride today we decided to go on the skyway it was a good ride And if course my rocket still won't start
  14. rainman

    Christmas Eve ride

    Me and Wendy went out for a ride today the weather was nice we decided to go on the foothill parkway We stop at a place call hillbillies restaurant the food was good
  15. rainman

    Black Friday ride

    Me and Wendy went out for a short ride today and amazing didn't see no idiots the ride was real nice
  16. MIG

    Common Thread Article: 2020 Triumph Rocket 3 R and GT first ride review

    I just got this article in my Inbox and thought I would share with those who don't receive revzilla's news letter... 2020 Triumph Rocket 3 R and GT first ride review - RevZilla -MIG
  17. Oz Knight

    Why I Ride.......

    Need I say more..... THE DREAM THAT MANY WILL NOT UNDERSTAND: I bought a BIKE for a personal dream. One day when I am very old and when I can not walk anymore, it will be in my garage as a trophy of my memories. I met people who taught me something and have the same spirit and I met others that...
  18. Oz Knight

    Best place to ride in the U.S.?

    Gentleman, There may be some debate about this, but as an Aussie considering visiting the U.S., what would be you consider to be the best bike area to ride/visit in the U.S? Thoughts?
  19. Claviger

    Initial Ride Feedback

    Looks like some of the initial impressions are in. Exactly as expected from the journos.
  20. TURBO200R4

    progressive front springs with air ride

    i installed the progressive front springs and while i was installing them i drilled and tapped the top cap for a Schrader valve. all went well i then put 20 lbs of air in it to bring the forks to the top. when i set on the bike it compresses just a little. the forks has held the air for about a...