
  1. First Ride of the Year

    We were blessed today to hit the mid 60's so Emma and I spent the afternoon on the Rocket. I just brought her home Friday after having Avon Cobra Chromes installed. Totally different bike on these tires. It is like riding on a rail. I love it. This picture is taken at Prophet Rock outside...
  2. Hi all, thanks for the add, I ride a 2014 Rocket three, Ive had for nearly a year now, its my pride and joy, I live on Sydneys northern beaches

    Hi all, thanks for the add, I ride a 2014 Rocket three, I’ve had for nearly a year now, it’s my pride and joy, I live on Sydney’s northern beaches
  3. Too many people, really their everywhere!

    SoCal when it's cold, it's still ride weather / just to many people, really their everywhere!
  4. Hello Japan of R3R rider

    Hello R3R ride of the world.
  5. Live in the S.F. Bay Area? Lets meet up and ride!

    If you live in the Bay Area and if you want to meet up for a ride, drop me a line. I'm a semi-retired Boomer, weekdays work better than weekends. I ride 'The Pace', (The older I got, the faster I was...heh, heh.)
  6. Near Las Vegas? Have Rocket, will ride

    Making an untethered loop and will be passing down the strip on Sunday if anyone wants to meet up for coffee or lunch.
  7. New member

    Moved to Southern California (35 years ago) from the North of England (Lake District) - wanted to ride more than twice a year.
  8. I ride and race against Rocket 3s so why not visit too ?

    I've been riding for just over 50 years. The last six years I've been riding with my buddy the IdahoRedRocket3 and peeking in as a visitor so I decided to join. I do a view video's which include Rocket 3s so I thought I might post one every now and then. Cheers Justdad
  9. Backup ride

    We bought the wife a toy today, it will also serve as backup for the next time Edsel comes up lame. :oops:
  10. First long touring ride!

    I bought my first rocket 3 off a member of this site a couple months ago.. just had a chance to go on a 3 day, 1150km tour around British Columbia. Gotta say, the 190 horse at the wheel was incredible, the handling was amazing, and I am in love with this bike..
  11. Todays ride

  12. Back the Blue ride: Tampa (July 11, 2020)

    Met up with a few hundred other riders yesterday to support local law enforcement at the annual Back the Blue rally. We met at Tropicana Field and rode to St. Pete PD, Bradenton PD, then to Sarasota PD for lunch. Fun facts: Almost all of the bikes I saw were HDs on one sort or another.p, at...
  13. 4th July ride

    Me and Wendy went out for a little ride to On the foothills parkway it was a good ride hardly no traffic at all
  14. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride 2020

    DGR 2020 from the website : "We will still be riding this year on Sunday the 27th of September, however, it will look a little different to what we're used to. It has been a difficult year, but the show must go on! The 2020 ride will be a solo event to comply with all local social distancing...
  15. What it’s like to ride a Rocket III

    For me this picture pretty well sums it up. 🤣
  16. July vacation ride... Wildwood, Virginia Beach, Charlestown, WV.

    July 2nd through the fifth. Will be traveling through New Jersey Virginia West Virginia. Hit me up if any of you riders would want to get together along the way.
  17. Getting Edsel ready for a ride

    Installed A Breakaway throttle lock this weekend.
  18. A couple of ride videos from this weekend.

    My wife chasing me down on her 2020 Spyder RT
  19. Nice little ride in the Ozarks this morning

    Morning ride in the Ozarks. I was off my game so I just took it easy but I enjoyed the ride just the same.:cool:
  20. Got a much needed ride in...Love this bike!

    Went for a little ride yesterday with my wife on her new 2020 Spyder RT. It was a great day for a ride. She was a little upset at me. People kept walking up to us at the fuel stop and she expected them to ask about the new RT but instead they wanted to know all about the Rocket. This thing draws...