1. Ishrub

    Bargain NOS Flyscreen kit for Rocket III - Flames Red (A9748045-ZCLE) $135

    Triumph Flyscreen kit for Rocket III - Flames Red (A9748045-ZCLE) Triumph Flyscreen kit for Rocket III - Flames Red (A9748045-ZCLE) | eBay Brand new Old stock reduced to US$135 or make an offer. This is the full kit and will bolt onto your Fork fixing kit with just 4 bolts for summer. US$70...
  2. Black to red

    Ive just picked up a full tribal red kit..tank,front and back mud guards and sides. I always wanted a tribal red but could,nt find one so bought a black..Anyway not a for sale thread but i could be persuaded to give up my black bits for the right money. ;)
  3. One Norse

    Red 2015 Rocket III Touring

    Hi All, Just brought home my 2015 R3T last Saturday. It had 825 miles. Looking forward to getting to know it and some of you better. I traded in a 2006 Yamaha Venture that I put 54K on from new. The power difference is... well... you know!
  4. Bernard Vinet

    Has anyone tried 20W-60 engine oil Amsoil / Red line

    The reason I ask this is when I bought My R3T it had 15-40 oil in it. Changed to 20-50 weight oil and found it to shift better and a little less noisy. So I was just wondering if anyone is running 20-60 weight oil. Synthetic oil of course. I was thinking that maybe the guys that live in the...
  5. Ishrub

    For Sale New complete Phantom Black w/ Red Stripe Paint Kit

    Brand new in Philadelphia from a dealer. Price: US $1,299.00 Triumph Rocket Three Phantom Black w/ Red Stripe Paint Kit Triumph Rocket Three Phantom Black w/ Red Stripe Paint Kit | eBay
  6. Smitty81

    Red hot exhaust headers

    This is likely a stupid question, but I took my Roadster for a night ride this evening and when I got home I noticed the exhaust headers glowing a faint red behind the heat shields. I can't recall ever seeing glowing headers on my previous bike. This thing is still brand-new (400 miles on the...
  7. jaredmt

    For Sale 2014 Roadster - only $9500 for the forum-SOLD

    Hey guys ... don't let this post get you the wrong way, I loved our R3s across America last year. Even my getting trapped in WY due to a bald front tire (Thanks for hangin' with me guys!) made it memorable if nothing else. Despite loving my R3, it's a selling time. Too many bikes I want to...
  8. kipper

    Important Safety Recall – S4 Red & Triumph Alarm

    Don't know how many members this may affect if any .Relates to 2013 -16 alarm systems fitted by Triumph.
  9. Bedifferent

    Cranberry Red Touch Up Paint Color

    So I notice a small scratch (actually more of a small gouge) on the side of my pannier on my new Rocket. I didn't notice it when I picked up the bike but when I looked at some of the posted eBay pictures it was there when I bought the bike. Anyway, I was going to try to touch it up so I...
  10. McBacon

    Big red button...

    I pushed it, now I am here. My name is Kenny, proud owner of a "16 Rocket III Roadster. What a machine! Although I do have some questions. Are there any experts here? lol
  11. Idaho Red Rocket 3

    Ordered New Personal Checks

    I am about to run out of checks, so tonight I went surfing on the net for a supplier. I found Checks.com would let me order with my own pictures on the checks for just a little bit more. And for $1 extra I could add a comment. I said "Triumph Rocket III. 140 Cubic Inches." I ordered the 4...
  12. Bedifferent

    Craftsman Yellow Lift vs The Red?

    i going to buy a Craftsman lift for my touring rocket this week and I want to know if anyone has used the Craftsman Yellow Aluminum Lift they make. I am trying to decide whether to buy the aluminum lift or the steel red lift. I was looking at a VTX forum and a lot of people seem to like the...
  13. albertaduke

    ramair secured

    I am probably not the first to have thought of this but here is a picture of how I secure the ramair to the throttle bodies this is the new version it does fit ok but a bit of insurance won't hurt anybody need a plenum before i turf it in the dump?
  14. albertaduke

    never getting tired of looking

    pictures still worth a thousand words moved the black away from the green and getting the new (to me) monster up on the surgical table to make it better stronger and more power I also have some green paint still available maybe the white stripes should become green i the spring ! BTW...


    Turbine Horns Dual Tone Hi-Lo. Loud 115+Db Chrome Triumph Rocket 3 Custom Style I'm tempted to get a pair ..:cool:
  16. Bedifferent

    Reset Adaptation...Is it required for this?

    This may have been covered in another post, but I would like to know the answer to this question. So if I hookup Tunecu to my Rocket and read the current map and save it to my laptop. If I then go back and change the speedometer correction to let's say... -5.1 and then upload/download the new...
  17. FR56

    What do you guys think of this rumored BMW?

    Sorry if already discussed. But this is what is rumored to replace the production line for the venerable K1300 IL-4 BMW. I've ridden the current K1600 IL-6 tourer. It's 800+ pounds, smooth as silk, goes like stink, and handles to boot. Not the brick through a plate glass window power and torque...
  18. rjkusse

    Red rear turn signals

    Has anyone tried putting red turn signal lenses in the rear? I've got a set of clear ones that I'm thinking of tinting red or....I've ordered a set of mirrored red turn signal bulbs. I know they have to be amber in many other countries but I can go red in the US. Thoughts?
  19. Rocket X # 212 4" Vance & Hines, Lowered,RamAir,Doebeck EJK 3

    Finally got the Pipe Ceramic coated, got the shocks on, Installed the RamAir and a Doebeck EJK3 Tuner. [/URL][/URL]
  20. Please chime in if you've trailered your R3R

    Mine will be trailered on a regular basis, I was just wondering where you attach the tie downs on the rear sides of the bike. It doesn't look like there's much to attach to.