Hi Folks,
I just changed my oil for the first time after the dealer changed it at the 600 mile mark last year. I only put on about 2,000 miles, but since a year has passed, thought I'd change it myself. While it was draining, I noticed a distinct pink/red color to the oil. Almost the color of...
were does idem part number 23 go and its place on the reassembly per the factory triumph manual I HAVE,,its called a spacer clutch assembly part number T1172727,,i got everything thing else and identified there placements per the manual on the tranmission output shalf,,but this spacer needs to...
So, I inherited a top pack from an older Goldwing and am playing around with it to see how I like it on my '17 Roadster. trying to find out if anyone has the specifics on the red stripes. I.e. color, manufacturer, etc so I can find something that matches color wise. I think I saw a thread on...
Was just taking my dogs to the park when i seen a Red rocket r coming out of tallagandra drive in beenleigh and again going the other way.
Anyone from this forum?
Wouldn’t ya know it 🙄. Been riding for 23 years, and get my first ever speeding ticket the first season on my R3r. Don’t get me wrong, I speed all the time. It’s actually a miracle I’ve only had one ticket after all this time. However, what I’ve never known is exactly how a red light camera...
New guy here first ever triumph. I have a 2020 triumph rocket 3r korosi red. I'm trying to get pictures to upload but I'm from Knoxville TN and have some of the best riding around me.
Hi everyone, call it a mid life crisis, but Im seriously thinking of re spraying my graphite tribal R3 in the Cardinal red colour scheme, if I did I would do it again in the Tribal pattern, so my question,,,Does anyone by any chance know the Tribal design Pattern code and is it still available...
Well Mr. Bill kinda crushed the lense on this gopro in September during the Rocket Ride. I believe he might have finished this baby off today.
Of course this is just my opinion 😄😄😄
Last September Mr. Bill and I met the Rocket 3 riders in Moab for a group ride. Mr. Bill went out for a ride before sunset. I was knackered and was already working on a video so I passed on this ride.
Recently I copied some of his videos while making another video for him and accidentally...
We seriously like to have fun, hopefully you can see that in the video. Old men like to race too. I hope you like the video and remember I really like Rocket 3s but hate to lose.
Can someone please confirm the Red line on the R and GT please, after my first service I remember checking and I would have bet my b0ll0cks that it had moved to 7000 however next day it was back at 6500!!! Had I dreamt it?
Do any of you guys know how to increase the Red Line on older Rockets with TuneECU ?
I would like to increase my red line from 6800 to 7200. My bike is a 2006 using tune number 20228.
This morning i noticed some heat from the engine after slowly riding to our gate.
As i rode down the road i looked down and noticed the headers glowing red!
This is really not good and as much as i hate driving i turned around and drove the car.
Nothing has changed or been altered on the bike...
Just picked this girl up last week. Original owner passed and the daughter had it in a shed for the past several years. Can’t wait to bring it back to life.
So, I joined the blown off side cover club, went to buy one on bike bandit, and the color is abreviated on part number suffix, but they are "PR", "CX", but then the Phantom Black, Eclipse Blue, Black. Which one do I order for cranberry Red?