1. Modded RAASK rearsets

    OK so having had the RAASK rearsets fitted and loving the new riding position but not the shabby quality I bought some rearsets off ebay and modded the RAASK brackets and knocked up a little extra bracketry to roduce this and a closer look here: (The rusty lump of metal underneath...
  2. Fitting Raask rearsets - How I did it...

    For what it's worth here's how I fiited Raask rearsets: The gearchange side is self explanatory - the brake is not. The quality instructions that are supplied with the kit consist of a badly photocopied picture of similar rearsets fitted to a speed triple; not much use. So in steps here we go...
  3. RAASK exhaust

    Anyone give the RAASK full exhaust a try?
  4. finTR3

    raask moving pegs

    anybody have raask moving pegs http://www.raask.com/ press triumph celect rocket and roll down you see pictures I hope more control of the bike . and you get legs normal position:eek:
  5. raymond braswell

    Pre-Planning RAA 2008

    It's way too early to start seriously thinking about Rockets Across America III. My sunburn is still hurting from Crashville and Sturgis is upon us. We'll work on next years get together when we hit the doldrums of winter. However, if an idea strikes you ragarding any of the following topics let...