Due to the demands of coordination and planning, the R3Owners.Net Administrative and Moderator Team will not be actively planning or supporting the Rockets Across America Event; also known as RAA.
For 2010, we have decided to abide by the requests of the community and give planning and...
I was wondering if there has been a date set for this event. I am requesting days off work this week and I need to know. I think I recall talk about Eastern Kentucky. I don't really need a location at this point just a date. If I don't request the days now I may not be able to get them...
I just fitted the Raask slip on muffler and heat shield so I thought I would share my opinion of it.
It was a fairly easy thing to fit, the heat shield supplied with the muffler fits reasonably well but it is not a perfect fit. There were no instructions with the muffler and the bracket that...
I installed the Raask slip ons on the R3T. I did a 12 minute tune to hold me over until I can get the TORs tune done. Fairly easy install. One bracket on the left heat shield didn't match up with the new pipe. No worries.
I ordered a set of Raask slip ons for the R3T. They've been shipped from Sweden. Should be here within a couple of weeks I'm told. SO looking forward to getting them on. I think I'll do the 12 minute tune first then make an appointment to have the TORs tune installed at the dealer.
I'm about to order a new set of Raask slip ons for my R3T. I know they're fairly easy to install. Just wondering if there are any extra things I need to get like crush washers or seals of some kind ? Is it really just a bolt on an go ?:cool:
Man, I just watched it and Katie did a fantastic job guys.
Caught us in the moment.
Heck she has skills that make us all look good.
Well, not so much me,
but then she didn't have alot to work with there.
But she did a jam up job.
I want to publicly tell her,
Katie, Thank you, you rock babe.
I just reviewed the final DVD my wife put together with the Pics from RAA IV. It is great over 800+ pictures set to some great music over 1 hr long. Now for the hard part getting them produced and shipped out to everyone. Since we have to burn them one at a time it could take a few days to...
I'm planning on getting my exhaust upgraded. I've heard and seen video clips of the D&D, Raask, and TORs. I can't really tell them apart. The TORs do sound fairly quiet. Not too much different from the stock pipes.
I like the look of the Raask set that Wildrooster got. They sound great...
Just a reminder there is a separate photo album set up here for RAA IV. Upload the pics so those of us that weren't able to go can see what we missed. I know some like to upload them to your own favorite photo hosting site, but if you would also load them here we don't have to chase down links...
Raask, a pioneer in Rocket mods, are launching pipes for the Touring. See them on RAASK:S MOTOR AB
Needless to say, I have no interest whatsoever in the company. Best. Jamie:cool:
I've done a little research this morning on a RAA to the Texas Hill Country. The Inn of the Hills in Kerrville is a nice place that would be able to accomodate all of us and with friendly prices. BUT, the biggest draw for the Hill Country is Rural Routes 335, 336 and 337 (aka the Three...
There were a lot of folks snapping photos so if you aren't going to post them in any particular thread you can post them here. A little description would be cool...
Piggr is going to try and set up a photo album also for RAA III so stay tuned :D
Hey Guys and Gals, how about posting an arrival list so the rest of us can be really jealous?
Seriously, just wanting to know if everyone arrived safely.
I was planning to go to the RAA and wanted info from someone who is familiar with the roads in and leading to Eureka Springs. I am starting in Southern IL and was going to ride the interstate to Poplar Bluff MO and then go south and hit Highway 62 at Pocohontas and go west. Does this sound...
This is Pianoman's post from the original RAA III thread. It was Pianonman's idea (a good one too) to move the lodging and other particulars that might get lost in the original thread.
I guess I'm un-officially the lodging guy only because no one else has posted anything as yet. Okay, here...