1. ZoneIII

    Anyone know bevel box drain plug thread size, pitch, etc. for R3T

    Does anyone know the size of the bevel box drain plug - bolt size, pitch, etc. I have to repair with a Heli Coil type insert and I need to know what insedrt kit to get. I could use another size, of course, but it would be nice to use the original type magnetized drain plug. Any Triumph Parts...
  2. ZoneIII

    R3T - Stripped bevel box drain plug.

    I was changing the fluids getting ready for the new season when the darn bevel box drain plug stripped. It came out OK but would just spin and never tighten up when reinstalling it. I always torque it to spec at 15nm and it never tightened at all. The funny thing is threads didn't come out...
  3. Skelton Hogs

    Custom Wheels R3T ever seen these?

    Hi would anyone know if these wheels fit the R3T? Billet Wheels Thanks
  4. Fingers

    R3T no start

    Scenario-Started bike let it run for a few minutes shut it off and went in the house.Came out about ten minutes later to go for a ride.would not start no neutral light and miles to go is blank.Everything else seems to function normally.Gear position sensor?
  5. ZoneIII

    Anyone have A9638031 oval mirrors on their R3T?

    Does anyone have A9638031 oval mirrors on their R3T? I ask because I was thinking of getting a pair but then I saw a review on Amazon where the reviewer said the stems are too short requiring him to take his hands off the grips to see what's behind him. But he tried them on a T100 Bonneville...
  6. DaSmee

    TORS for an R3T 2011?

    I know I am going to be told that they are as rare as Unicorn Tears, but always worth asking ;-) I have found the David Platt site, and they look good, but the pipes plus the crossover is around 1k! I have been told you can drill out the baffles and that helps the sound, as well as taking out...
  7. ebg338

    09 R3T Price Opinions Please

    Hello all, As the title says I'm looking at an 09 R3T 2 tone. Appears to be in excellent condition, under 6,000 miles. Assume tires are original so will need replacement given the age. Curious about opinions on what would be a reasonable price to pay. I've reviewed NADA ($6,800 ave retail...
  8. Rocket_Rider

    AFRs on a R3T

    Anyone got experience about what AFR is likely to be preferable on an R3T with TORS and a RAMAIR I’m thinking around 13.5? I’m obviously interested in power but first importance is what’s best for engine, second power, 3rd would be fuel economy but that’s not a major consideration
  9. DodahMan

    Nice R3T for sale . . .

    Worth a
  10. dandiego

    Is it just my imagination or...? (60k mile R3T service)

    Seems like I just hit 50k miles a couple months ago, but here I am, at the 60,000 mile mark. I asked fellow Rocketeer PreStaged if he’d help me do the service and he said, “Come on over!” He really does have a great garage. We went by the book, for the most part, and knocked out the oil and...
  11. EM549

    Want to Buy R3T exhaust crossover

    I would like to buy an exhaust crossover to be used with my TORs. I have a 2008 R3T. Let me know if you have something that might fit the bill.
  12. Budski

    Want to Buy Front Fender Tips for my R3T

    I spend this summer tracking down parts for the Front Rail Kit and Front Fender tips. I now only need the A9700231 (Left Front Fender Tip) & A9700233 (Center Front Fender Tip). If you have been trying to collect all the parts like I am and are coming up short and just want to sell them now...
  13. MIG

    R3T OEM grips heating up on their own...

    I've had reliable use of my my Triumph OEM heated grips on my '14 R3T until now. Admittedly, she sat for the past 15 months while I was half-way around the world and during her first 5 hour ride home there were no issues; however, on the way to work the other day the grips began to heat on...
  14. ZoneIII

    Recommendation for blind spot mirrors for R3T

    Can anyone recommend a good set of blind spot mirrors to go with the stock R3T mirrors? I do have a couple small, round blind spot mirrors now but they are not very useful at all. In fact, they are so useless that I might as well remove them but I'm wondering it there's something better out there.
  15. Budski

    Photos of a R3T with thin white wall tires

    I was thinking about putting on new tires on my 2011 R3T and wondered if anyone had put tires with the thin white wall on theirs? If so I'd like to see photos if anyone has some.
  16. Cherokeekid78

    For Sale **SOLD**R3T Tors

    Got a set of used touring TORS. I wrecked my bike on Friday last week they were delivered Saturday. They've never been taken out of the box they were shipped in. I'm asking $320. That's what I paid for them. I'm willing to cover shipping as long as it isn't outrageous.
  17. Cherokeekid78

    Bad things are bad

    Well fellas things are not looking good for my beloved R3T. I wrecked yesterday after I clipped a car that was in front of me. We were traveling west when the light in front of us turned yellow. The car was about one length away from the light and I was behind that. I erroneously assumed the car...
  18. TheWhingnut

    Guard bags what fits the mighty R3T?

    Im looking for guard bags that will fit my pannier guards on Dacey. I trying not to buy harley branded items. Has anyone found a set of bags that fit well enough? I have the tooling to adjust them if the mounts are too long but not short. I am trying to plan out a better long haul setup. And i...
  19. dandiego

    New farkle for my R3T

    This will be a good replacement for my turn signal, horn and high beam switch.
  20. Dawg68

    **Found** R3T luggage Rack

    Good day All, Looking for a luggage rack for the R3T. Just the rack itself and it doesn’t have to be in perfect condition. My back rest is off a 2017 R3T.. I’m assuming they are all pretty much interchangeable. Thank you