1. New to R3owners

    HelloI am Paul from Mesa Arizona. I bought my 2006 R111 Classic end May 2006 and I have enjoyed the experience of owning a truly great bike. I have logged 14,000 miles mostly within the state of Arizona. I am a former US Marine, and I am 68 years old and lead an active, and very enjoyable life...
  2. webmaster

    R3Owners.Net Upgraded

    My apologies for the abrupt take-down of R3Owners.Net today. Other activities had gotten in the way of making actual plans, but an opportunity presented itself earlier this morning. The site doesn't look significantly different, but the upgrades done today represent hundreds of changes. Some...
  3. hombre

    BST Carbon Fiber R3 Wheels

    Blackstone Tec of South Africa has successfully engineered their carbon fiber wheels for the R3. They are producing 20 sets (front and rear), of which 10 sets have already been sold to make the deal happen. If anyone here desires a set at our special group buy rate, contact Gary at BST directly...
  4. r3 history

    Hi All, I've read many comments about r3 problems... So this post is to gather info into one area for examination of the r3. (If there is already a post like this, forgive me, I didn't find it). My '05 was purchased in October of '05.At the first 500 mile check and service it was dying at...
  5. r3 questions

    hi, i new here and am just looking for info before i purchase an r3. my main interest is in a power cruiser (i also have a rune and v-rod) but my background is with italian exotics. my questions are: 1. what, if any, are the differences between the years ('05/'06/'07)? 2. are there certain...
  6. auxillery power socket R3

    I bought the A -power socket, it comes with just the outlet and blade terminals. Are there the female end on the R3 to just plug this in? or do I have to tie a set into the battery. Also do they make an adaptor to adap it to a regular (cigarette type) plug in?
  7. PianoMan

    R3 Business Cards

    A while back I realized that almost everywhere I'd park the Beast.....it would always draw a few people who would spend several minutes walking around, bending down and looking it over. A lot of times I'd park in front of an outdoor cafe and plant myself at a table a few feet away...
  8. GreyFox

    Forward Controls for R3

    :eek: Cant believe I got them on. Took some grinding, welding, polishing, buying some custom stuff etc etc. Love the missing pegs that always caught my pants leg. Feels just right now but will take some getting used to. Check out a couple of shots in my album. Thanks for all the kind comments...
  9. hombre

    Carbon Fiber Wheels for R3

    Offer Revoked Offer revoked here.
  10. Sidecar Flip

    Custom R3 with sidecar

    Here's a picture of an early R3 with a Vetter sidecar shot at a rally in Yakima, Washington last year by a member of our sidecar association. Nice, clean and simple rig.
  11. Tune Boy R3

    I have the 06' R3 Classic . What do you think of the Tune Boy? Will it affect the warranty? Tune Boy says there are more downdloads to adjust the tuning then the dealer has and. I realize they are trying to sell a product, but I've heard on R3 discussion boards, it works pretty good. You can...
  12. R3 Spark Plugs

    Anyone try the NGK IX Iridium Spark Plugs for the R3? Supposed to give better milage and power.
  13. Clock/Thermometer for the R3

    Anyone order the clock or thermometer for the R3? Was going to order them from newbonneville.com and mount it them on my R3. Does anyone else sell these for the R3?
  14. R3 popping some

    When I'm going slow holding a steady throttle I've started noticing a pop occaisionally, like a backfire in the exhaust and causes a short stop in power when it happens. I have the Cat converter removed with the add on manafold and retuned to match. (all done at the dealer when I bought it new)...
  15. Another New R3 Owner - Houston, TX

    Hello fellow Rocketeers! I'm proud to say I am a new owner of a brand new Rocket III (which was a birthday present to self since other 1/2 would buy it for me :cool: ). I picked her up on November 11th and have been to busy riding and tinckering on it to post up. Anyhow, I've attached some...
  16. New R3 Spotted in Thailand

    I have to admit I lifted this from another site.
  17. raymond braswell

    Spotted an R3 KCMO

    Hey guys, past a R3 downtown Kansas City Wednesday and stopped to say hello. Told him to jump on the website. Says he has been looking for R3's to ride with. His is sweet. Chrome front and back fenders, with other mods. Happy Thanksgiving.
  18. snuffcityrider

    New R3 rider

    Heah, just got my R3 a couple of weeks ago and am ate up with it. I can't ride it enough, can't read enough about it (great web site), I guess I'm a rockaholic. My last ride was the Bonneville America, nice bike but not big enough for two up traveling. Would not start one cold morning, made me...
  19. travelguy

    need stock r3 parts ?

    going to sd this weekend to buy some r3 parts from one of the guys that did the metric custom build.. he has basically everthing except the engine , driveshaft and ecm.. he will sell stuff at 1/2 of his cost from triumph.. if you need something let me know... tg
  20. R34ME

    R34ME Christchurch New Zealand

    Hi all, Thought I should introduce myself, Stefan from New Zealand Kiwi country that is, a Triumph fanatic for many years, I passed on my 2002 speed triple six months ago and purchased a 2005 R3 Black of course, I am a Service Manager in a large Mitsubishi Motors Franchise in Christchurch, and...