R3 runs great, 06 classic, but I still do get a slight quick backfire once in awhile, (a pitchook with quick hesitation and thats it), when at a constant speed, not accel or decel.
Not a big deal, but wonder if its fixable anyway.
In Australia at the moment Triumph is giving away the base R3 with approx. $3000 plus worth of accessories, pannieres, etc. We are told that they are 07 built, but 08 compliant excess stock from Europe. I'm concerned that they could be coming from the countries in Europe that have limited...
Does anyone know if the new quickly removable sissy bar ( A9758067) that Triumph makes for the touring model can be installed on a standard or classic Rocket 3? I need to purchase a sissy bar for my wife but would prefer to get one that is easily removable. My dealer doesn't have a clue. If it's...
I installed new rear brakes on my R3 and they seem to run hot on the disc in the beginning, figured cause they were new, not bad now. If I use them, after a few stops, they still do get pretty hot, is this normal?
I've been developing the article on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_Rocket_III and would apreciate ideas about how if can be improved further. I would like to put a gallery of a few good shots for each model so if you want to donate yours to the public domain let me know on eirajr@aol.com...
IMO supercharged R3s should have oil & filter changed more frequently than NA R3s. I just completed the first oil & filter change since my IC SC conversion at 3000 miles. Forced induction forces more carbon fron the combustion chamber into the crankcase (yes, some does get by even perfect...
I put new rear brake pads on my 06 R3 and I know disc brake drag some but when I go for a short ride my rear disc gets is smoking hot. Will they just take a little time to wear in. I spun the rear tire and it spun ok but you can hear the brakes rubbing.
About how many miles can I expect to get on rear and front brakes, and tires on my 06 R3.
Have 6000 miles now and the back brakes and looks like there getting close, can I run them almost to when the brake pad is worn out? Back tire is about half worn in the center.
What kind of tires has anyone...
Great minds think alike... or at least their computer programs do. :D
The specs for my custom exhaust system have been run through 2 different computer programs (at 2 different builders) and they are within 2/10" of each other... equal length, of course. They also both agreed on using 3 step...
Ok time to fess up or gas up????
what octane do you use??????? for get what the book says...
I used regular gas today and ran like a rabbit not a problem......bypass,tors and Triumph Tune..........:)
My good friend and fellow CF wheeler Brembo has finished his turbo R3 with excellent results... 267 RWHP! Congratulations to Brembo, who has been extremely patient while his tuners got his turbo install right. I'll let him tell the rest...
I see an R3 shootout in the making... supercharged vs...
I am in the process of having the Plastic Frame cover that set in front of the tank chromed. I would like to know if any one else has done this and if they have any Pictures.
I am a brand new member and was reading the various posts on turbocharging the Rocket. I have a 2007 Classic and was impressed with the look and reviews of the turbo kit by Turbo Connection. When I asked my dealer he nixed it saying, among other things, that CA was coming down very hard...
chek the price :eek:
modification is what you see, I heard that bosible there is turbo, hidden. but I not sure
I like fenders, and paint is ok ... but price ????