1. Bushwhacker

    R3T Chrome front fender rail kit

    I just picked up my 2013 R3T at the dealership and was disappointed that the A9708156 chrome front fender rail kit hadn't been installed (one of the many accessories that I wanted) The salesman told me that it is a discontinued item. Why would Triumph discontinue this when still selling the same...
  2. shorty exhaust on r3t

    Has anyone put shorty exhaust on their r3t I'm about to get a 2013and was told it wouldn't fit 2nd choice might be cobra tri ovals but read they wouldn't work either. Pretty frustrated at this point and I haven't even got it home. Any help out there?
  3. Dawg68

    R3 Roadster purchase

    Hello everyone, I have a little dilemma I'm hoping for a little insight. I have been reading reviews, watching you tube videos and talking to as many people I can find to seek their opinions on the R3 roadster. I went down to our local Triumph dealership today to pull the trigger on ordering an...
  4. Richard Tanner

    DataTool S4 Alarm on R3

    I have now done around a 1,000 miles on my R3 Roadster and we are getting used to each other. Marvellous! The bike arrived in Hong Kong new from the UK with the alarm already fitted. I was washing the bike today, perhaps being somewhat over-generous with the water around the top of the...
  5. Bushwhacker

    R3T TORS power gain?

    Anybody have any idea what kind of horsepower gain you get when installing the Triumph accessory silencers on an otherwise completely stock engine?
  6. R3, love it

    Well, hello. I have used this site back and forth a bit. Love my R3, did Sturgis South, and Sturgis North last year on her. Just posted about my ABS light staying on. Anyone else had this?
  7. R3 rear shocks - last question.. maybe..

    I found on ebay the Progressive 412 12.5" part #412-4219C for $221.90 The Progressive 412 13" part #412-4213C for $221.90. And the 440 12.5" part #440-4233C for $493.65. All heavy duty.. assuming you get what you pay for, and the 440's are the best and/or newest, I'm leaning toward the...
  8. R3 rear shocks - still looking..

    Still looking for the best (smoothest ride) for the rear shocks on my R3. Can't seem to narrow it down. (Along with tires.) Al 06 R3
  9. Front Master cylinder for R3T

    Hey out there, does anybody know the bore size of the front master cylinder on a 2008 R3T. I was hoping somebody could answer this without me having to unbolt mine to check. It must be something like 17 to 19 mm? Maybe somebody noticed when changing riser or other work.
  10. Bushwhacker

    Backing up a 2013 R3T

    At the end of this month (weather permitting) I will be riding home on my 2013 Phantom Black Rocket 3 Touring.....80 miles from Wilkes-Barre, PA to Binghamton, NY. I can't wait! What Iam somewhat apprehensive about is backing this beast up.....how hard is it on smooth blacktop? I remember trying...
  11. R3 Clutch/Brake levers

    Are the new clutch and brake levers nice to get? Which brand if so? 06' R3
  12. R3 tires

    06 R3 - will be replacing tires, Metzler or Avon?
  13. R3 front and rear springs shocks

    R3 front and rear springs/shocks Is it worth replacing the front springs on my 06 R3? if so which ones? Also is it worth replacing the rear shocks? which ones on those too. Doing the front shock oil seals and thought about going with progressive springs. And maybe do the rear shocks to, to get...
  14. R3 front oil seals

    I have 19,000 miles on my 06 R3 and the one front oil seal started leaking. Has anyone changes these? Is it a job? I Have changed oil seals on my old dirt bikes years ago. Any info would help. Thanks,
  15. R3 front oil seals

    I have 19,000 miles on my 06 R3 and the one front oil seal started leaking. Has anyone changes these? Is it a job? I Have changed oil seals on my old dirt bikes years ago. Any info would help. Thanks,
  16. Bushwhacker

    chrome oil tank for R3T

    Does anybody have a chrome oil tank on their R3T? I've never seen even one picture anywhere. Isn't it an accessory that you can buy, same as on the Roadster?
  17. Any header upgrades for r3t?

    I'm at 17K miles and will soon go in for my first valve adjustment. I was considering removing the head and having my friend port, mill and maybe even big valve the head. If I do this, I'll be in need of a better flowing header. I have good flowing D&D's that are loud enough. I have been told...
  18. gman10259

    Tune For R3T Jardine and under seat filter

    Anybody out there have a good tune for the rocket 3 touring with jardines and k&n filter under the seat?
  19. dracul

    nedjmartin's killer r3

    Stopped by today and noted a shot of what must be the coolest looking r3 I've yet seen...nedjmartin's V-Max-like badassed machine! The intakes! I must have sum! What are they and where can I get a set???? Look like something from Kewlmetal or HD. Very fetching indeed! Bob tail rocks too...
  20. steelboss

    Dark Supercharger Intakes on R3T...Pics

    Supercharger Intakes on R3T...Pics While my bike is in little pieces in my living room (yes, i am single sometimes :rolleyes:) I decided to get over the K&N thing and get a little darker for my aspiration needs.. I picked up 3 silicon supercharger 90 deg. elbows and cut the inlets and outlets...