I have been R3 owner for 6 years. I live in UK Jersey. Had few bikes before I bought R3. I had Cbr 1100xx, Intruder and Magnum.Still love riding the R3 and finally I am here.
I ran into a couple of guys on TR3 this past weekend. First time I have seen one besides the one I own.
The one according to the owner had a factory turbo, that was only offered in 05. Is this a fact? First I had heard of that. sds
Hi there i've just bought my first R3. Flew down to Melbourne from Brisbane to pick it up a 2014 mod only had 4500k's on it and road it back to Brisbane over 3days via Canberra 1800ks all up what a great ride. I havent been on a bike in over a yr jumped straight on and away I went. Fell in love...
I have just been surfing an R3 owners thread on fb and there's talk of Triumph finishing the whole r3 line. Anybody else heard these horrifying rumours.
I just purchased a 2014 Triumph Rocket III Touring and I love it. I upgraded from a 2007 Honda VTX 1300R which was a great first bike. I am looking forward to taking some long rides on the Rocket.
A'up folks.
I've got some instrument panel issues on my 2010 R3 Touring and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Speedo not working
Fuel gauge not working
and self cancelling indicators not working
The bike starts and runs OK but with these faults, the indicators work but...
I was perusing the Custom Cruisers website and noticed these on the following page:
Triumph Rocket 3 III Roadster Sissybars & Racks
Note all of the fitment listings are for the Roadster...is there some reason why any of these would not fit an older ('06) Standard? Is the bolt spacing on the...
Is it just the color - Black for Roadster Silver Alloy for earlier Rockets?
Can a R3/ Classic be used for spares?
I saw some listing state the Roadster is 87 Degrees - is this referring to mating surface where it joins drive shaft
Parts No's are different:
So I dropped about 800 KM on my new Rocket 3 and I love the bike. Some of the things I noticed were that changing the gears are definitely a little clunky. Like a car not a bike. I am sitting still in neutral and I have to roll the bike either forward or back a few inches to go into 1st...
I have an R3 classic 2009 with 3 pipes [2 one side and one the other] does anyone reckon that I could replace these with one exhaust either side like the roadster/tourer to make the back end symmetrical?
Hello everyone.
My R3 odometer read 7,250 when I stopped to get gas and then read 1,7250 when I turned the key back on. Any ideas why I gained 10,000 miles sitting still? Is there away to correct this?
Been off of bikes for awhile and getting the itch again.
The R3 looks good on paper.
What to look for in a used bike.
What are the differences between the years?
What (if any) differences are there between the Touring and Roadster other than bags, exhaust, gauge location, wind screen and engine...
Last year I picked up a set of three JW Speaker LED reflectors for the front and it was a considerable upgrade in light output and looks even.
Which made me that much more aware of the other incandescents that littered the bike.
So, this year I decided I would complete the job and do a full...
I am new to this site and have not yet got a Triumph Rocket.
I’m looking at the Roadster 2015 model. I want to fit uprated mirrors, the larger cruiser style screen and the battery optimizer.
Can’t decide whether to fit the factory leather panniers. They seem rather big and I’m not going to...