OK, don't read too much into this.....yet. I have been eyeing some classics these past few days and I notice that some have pegs while others have boards. I would definitely need a board. Now, getting a bit deeper, I see where some boards are fairly flat and others have an upward pitch to them...
My R3 has been requiring more cranking than usual and I have to give it some throttle to get it to fire up after setting overnight. I need to nurse the throttle until it warms up, then it will hold a low speed idle.
I've reloaded the map using TuneECU, and had no error codes. The battery is...
Not mine, on Aussie Gumtree. AUD$350 ONO (US$260)
Comes with correct side frame covers, pad etc.
Sissybar and Rack | Motorcycle & Scooter Accessories | Gumtree Australia Gold Coast South - Elanora | 1147258750
Ready for the road by TimR3 posted Apr 30, 2017 at 9:36 PM
2016 1400 miles, Viking Saddle bags, Dresser bars, Windshield, Cruise Control, Backrest with Luggage Rack and Armrest, Corbin seat.
Of course no dents or scratches on it.
Hi all,
In Sept 2015 I blew a rear tire on a trip north of Reno Nevada and took the bike to Reno Triumph for a new tire...my bike was idling a little high so I asked them to check that for me also.
I filled the tank and left to try and catch my group heading for Spokane....
At 80 miles the...
Does anyone know where I can get hold off Shop manual for the R3T 2012 and up . Not the service manual which is everywhere in line. Can,t find it anywhere.
Hello Everyone,
I've wanted a Rocket 3 for a long time and made the dream come true yesterday. I bought a 2015 R3 Touring and I couldn't be happier.
As for me, I'm a 35 year old husband with 2 kids currently living in Texas. I look forward to checking out all this site has to offer.
New here, New R3 owner. Finally after 13 years I sold my VTX1800R with V&H big shots (no baffle) So you know I am extremely disappointed with the stock sound and even performance to some degree but will be addressing that next. The exhaust note is 1st on the agenda. I have spent literally hours...
I have a Corbin seat and would like to try to modify it to fit the original Triumph Seat pan. This would allow me to open the seat without having to get the wrenches out.
Anybody have any experience with this? I don't even know if it's possible.
clearview Windshield
2" wider than stock
Light Gray
5 position adjustable vent
25L. 5" longer than stock
$125 plus shipping, I had the box at the post office today(after I modified it) and shipping will be around$40
Any question on the sheild look up the clear view website.
It has the three...
Cant change the title for some reason, but these are sold.. Need to clear out my storage space. They were on my R3R for less than a 1000 KM (600 miles for non mets)
Also a set of brand new stock chrome pipes from a 2016 Honda Fury also less than 1000 km in use.
Make me an offer on either or both?
I just completed a 3,500ks (2,174 miles) test ride around New Zealand of which the real test was the last two days covering 1,482 kilometers (920 miles) at a constant speed of between 110 and 130 kph.
I have to say that after owning six different Harleys (mainly touring bikes) I am very...
New R3 owner here. It's a 2005 classic (with bags). Just picked it up last week and have been going through and replacing all the fluids. I have replacement headlight LEDs on order and I'm still deciding which tires I'll be going with (both front and back, front is pretty bald, back not so...
Hope there's someone to tel me how to install an Original tacho on my custom build Rocket touring which is almost totally stripped en rebuild. I am using the Original clock in a self made dash-board en want to add a tacho. I'm nog sure however about the wiring. Diagrams i own are confusing...
Hey guys and gals, I crashed my 2008 R3 Classic back in November and am trying to scrounge up parts to get her back on the road now that my three broken ribs, punctured lung, and three fractured vertebrae have healed up. I bought a used 2011 Moto Guzzi Norge to ride while I'm sourcing parts...