1. pastorfreak


    Can someone remind me where the mpegs and sound bites are at it has been awhile since I was here and do not see or remember where they are at? Freak
  2. spaceman

    Pegs on the stock rail?

    Anyone ever try adding "clamp-on" pegs to the stock bracket just forward of the brake and shift pedals? I'm thinking that it could be a simple solution to allow for a little more leg stretch. Thanks
  3. britman

    Highway Pegs

    About $45.00 from JC Whitney. I will just use them as a temporary stretch solution on infrequent long distance rides. Part Number is 99-30570 for 1 inch highway bars. Just FYI for anyone else as cheap as I am.
  4. Highway pegs

    Came across these photos on the Net. Interested in doing the same thing, to get a little more stretch. I believe these are: Rivco 1" Engine Guard Mounts intended for Gold Wing) http://saturn.dnsprotect.com/~rivcopro/products/product.php?productid=29&cat=221&page=1 Rivco Flat Foot Wide...
  5. pastorfreak

    Foot pegs

    Will foot pegs from lets say Kuryakyn fit on Rockets or do they require a certain model or type anyone know? Freak
  6. Damd8279

    Extra stretch - relocating front pegs

    Has anyone got any experience with relocating the front pegs forward ? I am a 6' guy that really needs an extra 2-3" of leg room and would like some advice before trying to re-invent the wheel.........DAMD
  7. Rear Footpegs

    I'm looking for an alternative to the rear footpegs on my R3C. After I put the Leatherlykes on, my wife is a little cramped. I like the looks of the Kuryakyn footpegs and passenger boards, but they don't make a splined adaptor for the Rocket. The Rivco passenger boards are nice looking, but way...
  8. Pegs for Triumph Dresser Bars

    I had a gift certificate for my dealership so I bought the Triumph front dresser bars with it. Any recommendations for a good set of foot pegs to mount on them? I looked at Kuryakyn's site however I don't have any idea what would be the best set up. Thanks.
  9. Rivco bars, boards, pegs, and chrome installed

    Installed the Rivco Tip over bars yesterday. They are some very heavy duty bars i have to say. The welding is thick and the chrome looks sweet but the welds asthetically are not great, just good. Installed the Rivco Driver Boards yesterday as well. I did indeed need to raise the shifter to...