1. Roadster Accessories

    Roadster Accessories

    Rivco Risers moved the bars up approx one inch and back approx two inches. Long rides on original placement gave me a pain in my back and sore arms. The new placement is perfect for me.
  2. Roadster Accessories

    Roadster Accessories

    I think I got her dressed up the way I want her now: Rivco Risers Rivco Turn Signal Mirrors Triumph Windscreen Triumph Heated Grips Triumph Engine Bars Triumph Pegs Corbin Beetle Bags Triumph Tall Sissy Bar Triumph Luggage Rack Custom Dynamics License Plate Turn & Brake LED
  3. Kyrocket

    Bar End Mirrors

    I am thinking about putting bar end mirrors on my rocket. I took the bar weights off and there is a threaded hole in the end of the bars. Do the mirrors just screw into this? Also, if ya'll have done this what is a mirror that would fit, I am not looking to spend a ton of money just wanting a...
  4. ballyono

    Rivco Lighted Mirrors

    Hello from Holland. I am thinking to buy two pairs of chrome Mirrirs from Rivco which have the lights in: http://www.rivcoproducts.com/products/product.php?productid=558 Anbody any experiences with mounting, install etc.? Anybody a good tip to get them as cheap as possible into the...
  5. Jeff807

    Rivco Mirrors

    Has anyone installed the Rivco Custom LED Lighted Turn Signal Motorcycle Mirrors I'm thinking of getting them and was wondering if anyone has installed them, how hard is the wiring, and if they are any good. Thanks Jeff 2012 Rocket Roadster
  6. cardinal93

    Rivco Turn signal mirrors

    I've searched through the threads and haven't found anything specific. Has anyone put these on the R3? If so, do they require special fittings, a new relay or load limiter? RIVCO Products, Inc. :: Mirrors :: Custom LED Lighted Turn Signal Mirrors – PAT. PEND. Thanks!
  7. motolink

    Wanted Triumph Black Oval Mirrors

    I am after a pair of black Triumph oval mirrors if anyone has a set to sell, send a PM.
  8. Victory rear view mirrors?

    Has anybody ever tried to fit Victory rear view mirrors to a Roadster. I dont know if they are imperial or metric but I like the look of the black tear drop mirrors and I have only seen the Triumph accesories in chrome. Are there any other mirrors in black that will fit a roadster?
  9. Rocket Scientist

    New mirrors

    Does anybody have a pair of these Triumph teardrop mirrors. Do you like them. Do they stay relatively clear through the rev range ? Would you buy them again ?
  10. How to stop mirrors from moving?

    Are there any trick to keeping the mirrors from moving?
  11. I hate my stock mirrors..!!

    My stock mirrors (2005 Rocket) are rubbish and don't let me see what's directly behind me - only to the sides. Has anyone any helpful ideas or ideas for replacements. Has anyone fitted the Triumph oval ones ? Does anyone know what thread size the mirror stems are ? PLEASE HELP ...
  12. mully95

    Black Teardrop Mirrors on Roadster

    Finally installed the mirrors and I really like them. They don't match the matte black perfectly but what the hay. I was reading where tall people have a problem using these mirrors for lack of adjustment. The adjustment range on these mirrors is pretty large... I don't understand why they have...
  13. Black Triumph Teardrop Mirrors on R3

    I recently installed new mirrors on my R3 Classic...the mirrors are specified for the Thunderbird, but will also work on the Rocket. If interested, here is the Triumph part #A9638085. IMHO, they look MUCH better than the chrome Mickey Mouse ear mirrors that come stock on the R3.
  14. Tighten Mirrors?

    I just purchased and installed a new set of black Triumph teardrop mirrors on my Rocket, but cannot get the stalks tight enough...both mirrors can be moved pretty easily although I have tightened the bottom bolt as tight as I can. Is there a trick to this? I used the new shims (ribbed...
  15. Black Triumph Teardrop Mirrors on R3?

    Has anyone out there installed the Triumph Black Teardrop mirrors on their R3 (Triumph part A9638085)? If so, can you post a pic or two?
  16. Horse

    Tighten mirrors on R3T

    Does anyone have any suggestions or experience with tightening the mirrors on the R3T? Where the mirror stalk mounts into the bars they sit in some type of friction bearing, unfortunately the LH mirror is a bit too loose and tends to move back at highway speeds, particularly in any kind of...
  17. COMick

    Help with mirrors...

    I am installing a new set of the Triumph tear drop mirrors on my r3t. I put on the right side mirror and it will not adjust high enough for me to see more than the ground right behind me...? I am 6'5" tall and I dont see any other way to adjust these mirrors. I have tried adding the original...
  18. Macrider

    Check your mirrors

    I am sure most of you are already aware of how important it is to check your mirrors when coming to a quick stop. Keep it in gear too in case you need to get out of the way. Just a little reminder to be careful out there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2BccVeAurI&feature=player_embedded
  19. Dedmanwalkn

    Bar end mirrors

    Looking to get a set of bar ends for my 11 R3R. Does anyone know the width of the bar off the top of thier head (being lazy and dont want to drive all the way to storage unit to measure. These are the ones that I was looking at Bar End Mirrors Triumph Thunderbird Sport High Quality - eBay...
  20. jerry a

    repost mirrors

    need to get ride of triumph teardrop mirrors with drilled stems like new $ 125.00 + shipping email me at albrechtwolves@sbcglobal.net thanks