
  1. New MCN: Matchless revealed!

    In this week's new look MCN paper, available in newsagents, on iPad and Android from September 10th: - Revealed: Secret pics of a Brit icon- MotoGP back at Donington- KTM RC390 - 'It's a modern LC'- Triumph axe 250- Yamaha MT-125 v KTM 125 Duke Plus much more... All available in print at your...
  2. Fun with LED lights

    I don't have a lot of money to spend on things these days... so I just had my own fun by playing with these LED strips I bought off of some different places online. Now in case some of you didn't know, there are many different types of LED's on the market... just a couple of examples So I...
  3. led h4 bulb to long for stock housing

    So after returning the HID kit I had bought, I bought a pair of H4 Led cree bulbs. When i installed it, I discovered that the bulb was about a 1/2 too long for the housing. The bulb comes with the ballast attached to the back of it. I turned it on and it was really bright, so I like to keep the...
  4. TTS cnc milled chargerbracket

    Hi, did anyone had some problems with the TTS chargerbracket/cover ? What about the crankpulley bearingconstruction behind the crankpulley? Did TTS fixed any modification about that item with its bracket? If someone knows, please let me know. Tnx !
  5. Accessories installed

    I finally got a bunch of accessories installed, not crazy about the rear crash bars, but maybe they'll grow on me.
  6. Pulled my bike into the garage

    Was pulling the bike into the garage for the night and heard this hit the ground. It landed just front left of the front tire. Not riding till I figure it out. Any ideas? I checked mirrors, cables, and clutch handle. Any where else that might use this??
  7. Wiring LED fog lamps into stock set up

    I'm working on becoming more visible to the cagers here in TN, and I'd like to add on some LED fog lamps that will be directly linked to the stock fog lamp switch. Anyone have experiences with this?
  8. Neat website I stumbled across...

    Click on any of the states below and see what happens... I fixed Maryland link... Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi...
  9. Lemon Pledge

    Ok guys! I've heard the surprising results of LEMON PLEDGE! Does it work on FIBERGLASS? My boat needs a good cleaning and wondering if it put a shine on fiberglass as it does on chrome and painted metal?
  10. Just installed an airhorn

    Much much better! It was pretty easy to do. I read about how the Stebel can be split up and I found some space under my left cover against the frame. I used a clamp and wired it up and got the compressor to spin. I then used a clear hose and connected the compressor to the trimmed horn piece...
  11. Just installed Triumph Highway pegs

    And I am really impressed with the quality of these. Even as you remove it from the packaging you can feel how heavy duty these pieces are. I went on a ride yesterday with a friend who rides a Yamaha Star and the highway pegs he had were all rusty and loose and corroded. He actually saw mine...
  12. New D&D slip installed today

    Installed D&D slip ons today. 2013 RT3. They sound awesome took a 60 mile ride they are still smoking. Fit and finish are perfect,removed the old ones and put on the new ones in about an hour no problems. Oh by the way did I say they sound awesome!! The pipes come with a K&N air filter.
  13. Finally got my highway bars installed!

    Saved up enough coins in the swear jar that I managed to buy these highway bars. I really like them! They look good on the Roadster. Now I just need to find out what kind of pegs id like to install on them. Does anyone know what size the bars are? One inch or 1.25"?
  14. For Sale Brand new never installed right fork

    I have a band new right fork that I bought thinking I needed it to repair my front end after going down but ended up not needing it. My forks ended up being fine. The upper and lower yokes were simply out of alignment and straightened up just fine. Triumph part# T2045502. Fits all years. This...
  15. I would like to get something settled

    First of all those of you who offered constructive suggestions while I was trying to trouble shoot the problems with my bike , I would like to say thank you. Now for a little background . I started , when I was , riding right after I got out of boot camp in Sept of 1961. Right off the bat I...
  16. Rocket nearly killed me

    April 13th. Going out for a ride with my son following on his cafe racer Ducati. Just over a mile from the house I crashed on a mild curve. Broken ribs, clavacle, scapula, and a concussion which put me into an unconscious state. No memory of what happened. Son said he saw my rear tire skid...
  17. Failed motorcycle road test today

    I took a motorcycle road test today and failed it. First time ever taking the test. I have been riding on a permit since I have been riding motorcycles. I took it on the Roadster and just could not keep it off the line on the sharp turn part of the test. Turning right or left. One time I had to...
  18. Pulled the Engine

    My son came over this morning to help pull the engine. I put some 6x6 blocks under it then used some 1x4s & 2x4s for shoring. I have a chain fall in the shop and the air MC lift. Lowered the stand used the chain fall to shake a bit. Engine came out just like it was suppose to. Then we slid on...
  19. Led Lights

    LED Lights Harley LED lights. A direct fit. No mods needed. Just leave the plugs for the parking lights alone and remove the bulbs. Fantastic upgrade. I can see at night for real. Like daylight! Truly WHITE LIGHT! $702 for the pair. Big bucks but if you ride at night..an essential! I chose...