
  1. motolink

    Ignition switch relocation kit for Roadster

    Where do I get the ignition switch relocation kit for a Roadster.
  2. Captain Bob

    Infamous Ignition Switch Issue

    Soooooo, went to start my 08 R3T, turned the key and..... nothing. No lights, no nothing. Checked the battery and had 12.76 volts. All fuses are OK. I ran the bike last evening and parked it in my garage until this pm when this issue started. I went to work (via cage) and upon return from...
  3. Grumpy_Rocket

    Let me guess, my ignition switch is toast

    So, a while back I posted about my brake light staying on all of the time. That I fixed after finding shorted wires that ran to the rear brake switch. Today I go to start my bike at work, and it starts up fine. I ride off (btw I literally had the ****tiest night at work ever, I can't even...
  4. The Kiwi

    Ignition Relocation Question

    When I have the Ignition relocation Kit fitted that I have ordered from Rivco Triumph Rocket III Ignition Relocation Kit - British Customs will I loose the steering lock? I am thinking... Yes!! The Kiwi.
  5. scowherd

    Triumph Quit Ignoring Your Ignition Problems

    I am starting this thread and plan to take the post and pass it on the triumph as one big complaint. this is for Ignition switch failure Only So give me your stories. I will start by giving you mine and you can join in. I took off on a Friday afternoon for what appeared to be the perfect...

    Ignition switch failure/ headlight relay kit

    I've decided to be a bit proactive and try to eliminate any ignition switch failures before they happen. I'm sure you guys have got to be tired of answering the same questions over and over......... But I just want to make sure I do it right the first time so here goes it. These are the facts...
  7. kingmerle

    another ignition switch question

    I have read alot of post and haven't found one that describes the problem I am having. when I take the key out and put it back in i can't turn it to on. I have to play with it alot before it works. I am afraid it will not work at all one of these times. Is this common to this machine. Other post...
  8. Ignition switch connector

    I believe I have found the new style ignition switch connector. The part #s are: DJ7084-2.2-11 DJ7084-2.2-21 Also found it listed as a Sumitomo DL Sealed Series M(6195-0054) F(6195-0051) Here are links to the pictures...
  9. Cdub97

    keyless ignition not working properly!

    Need some help. My 2010 Roadster had the digital guard dawg keyless ignition system on it when I purchased it used. The system seemed to be working fine until this past week. I can now, or anyone else for that matter, start the bike with no key fob. Even took the batteries out of the key...
  10. JDuke1980

    ignition switch again?

    I had the ignition switch replaced last September. I had the wiring harness for the ignition switch replaced a month later when it melted leaving me stranded several hundered miles from home. Three times at RAA6, the bike acted like it wasn't going to come on. Then, this moring, it wouldn't...
  11. fat frank

    Ignition Trouble

    Went out to start bike and nothing. No lights, gages, noise, nada. Just did the EB relay kit and bike died a few times. I had left my ECU hanging. After I parked it in it's holder, it ran fine and had no simptoms of shorting out. I think it was bumping into some metal projections and...
  12. JoseyR3Wales

    Keyless Ignition Mod HOW TO WITH PICS

    A) I do not accept responsibility or laibility for any damages this mod may incur on YOUR bike. B) Lift fuel tank and prop on rod, if you have Rivco Risers, loosen guages and lay back up over the bars (forward) to get clearance to raise fuel tank(Thank you Scot In Exile). C) Tools needed will...
  13. JoseyR3Wales

    Wireless remote ignition

    Just completed the mod of by passing that piece of "plastic" that Triumph passes off as an ignition switch. I am now wireless to power on/off the bike and it works great. $22 for the wireless key fobs and relay and another $6.75 for a 40 amp relay, plus $15 bucks worth of connectors, heat...
  14. 06 classic ignition sitch fault

    Hi When I switch on my bike ignition the start up routine is ok all the warning lights etc are lit but the headlights are not on and the engine will not turn over. I have stripped the electrical part of the switch barrel and it appears that the plastic contact holder has cracked and broken This...
  15. Micksan

    Re-Key Ignition Lock

    When I got this R3 the ignition lock/switch was missing. The previous owner said that it had burned up , so he had installed a toggle switch to replace it. The bike came with a new ignition switch, and I have gotten in the bypass relay system . This leaves me with a key for the ignition and...
  16. head light relay/ignition switch bypass

    Anyone have any step by step instructions on making this modification? Try as I might, I've been unable to get any decent candlepower out of my headlights...
  17. TuneECU Ignition Tables

    Can someone please confirm what (gears) I4, I3, I2, and I1 correspond to in TuneECU (2010 Roadster)? I thought I4 was the table for 4th & 5th gears, I3 for 3rd, I2 for 2nd, and I1 for 1st, but was then told that one of the tables is also for neutral (?). I3 seems quite different in comparison to...
  18. Ignition Tables

    Quick question; What (gears) do I4, I3, I2, and I1 correspond to in TuneECU (2010 Roadster)? I thought I4 was the table for 4th & 5th, I3 for 3rd, I2 for 2nd, and I1 for 1st, but was then told that one of the tables is also for neutral (?). I3 seems quite different in comparison to the others...
  19. jaredmt

    Ignition relocation - alternate location?

    I want to relocate my ignition switch (too much stuff I want up in that area behind the fly screen), but I already have the typical spot used by my power outlet. This means it would have to be placed elsewhere. Has anyone done this? If so ... where/what/when/how yadda yadda yadda ....
  20. Ignition Switch replacement denied by Triumph?

    I recently posted that my 06 Rocket has unfortunately experienced the ignition switch failure that seems to be very common among Rockets. I contacted two local dealers, and one stated that they were unaware of the problem and did not think that Triumph would replace the switch since the bike was...