
  1. possible ignition switch?

    Hello all I just wanted some knowledge from you guys. Overall the past few weeks the rocket has been running great no issues. About a month or 2 back I was leaving work when it began it's start procedure (needles going to right and back, fuel pump starting etc) when it just went dead...
  2. Relay Harness, Ignition bypass for Headlights

    I just post this elsewhere but thought it might be good to put separately in its own Thread and by the way I do not feel that Triumphs bandaid solution to this issue really solves it, I am sure there may be some that disagree but time will tell when guys start complaining of the Hi-Low beam...
  3. Ignition Problem.

    My bike died last week and it has been in the dealers garage since last Wednesday. The problem was after riding it for a few hours, getting back on it you turn the ignition and nothing. This happened 3 times over the space of two months but the bike started after 15 minutes on the first two...
  4. Ignition key relocation

    I am looking at relocation my ignition on my roadster But first I want to try to get the later model 8 pin connector so I can make up looms - not just for me but for others too. I can also make the bracket and maybe put a kit together. As Rivco no longer produces/sells them. But I need to find...
  5. Used Ignition barrel Wiring

    Heya everyone.. Just wondering if any of you fine people would have a failed, used or unwanted ignition barrel with loom floating around that you want to get rid of.. I threw mine away after my unit failed and now (like the bright spark that i am:p) i am searching for one to do the Keyless mod...
  6. Ignition buzz in BT headset

    Does anyone have an idea why I get ignition buzz in my Sena BT headset even when it's switched off. I'm sure it's ignition noise because when I shut off the throttle it stops. The same set up was fine on my old BMW could it be a faulty HT lead? I thought I'd ask here before talking to the dealer...
  7. No ignition.

    Hey guys, what would you do with this? I filled up the gas on my 2010 Touring. Turned the key on. 22540 miles on the bike. Dashboard dead, no lights, battery good, load horn, fuses good, changed out starter relay,(did not help).I raised the tank, tank full, some fuel leaked out. Picked up wiring...
  8. Battery drain due to ignition bypass?

    I put the ignition bypass on this summer, now that its cold my battery wont hold a charge. Got the battery replaced and the same thing happens. No problems last winter with this. Are the headlights using too much juice?
  9. Should my ignition lights come on?

    The rocket I've recently bought was stolen and recovered, and several parts were "liberated" by the thieves. I'm missing the coils and all the parts from inside the tank so the tank connector and coil wires are all hanging lose and unconnected. I connected up a battery yesterday and turned on...
  10. Ignition Running Light Mod

    Is there a harness available that can switch off the running lights on a R3T. Preferably I would like the option to switch on/off the headlamp and turn off the tail and pannier lamps completly. Feel like a fuc#ing wanker riding arround lit up like a xmas tree in the middle of the day.
  11. RFID Ignition

    There have been several comments and posts regarding an RFID ignition mod on other threads so I thought I would start a dedicated thread. I am in the planning stages of putting together an RFID ignition system for my bike using a unit designed for car alarm systems. The idea is that all I need...
  12. How do you remove the ignition switch to see if it is bad?

    I am trying to see if my ignition switch is bad but don't see any info in my service manual about removing it. I have gas tank up but haven't figured out how to remove the switch.
  13. Ignition Switch

    I have been reading about the problems with ignition switches on the Rockets. I ride a 1998 Adventurer and am having problem with my switch. I must jiggle it to make contact. My question is: if the switch loses power while in motion, will the wheels lock up? I want to ride it to the shop to get...
  14. Ignition Switch

    Hello I guess I didn't get a ignition switch soon enough , But seems I have a short in mine now , anybody find any other application that works easily . Speedo turns on but no light ,tail light ,or ignition. if I wiggle switch it comes on !!!!Please help. call 630 417 4828 or email...
  15. Keyless Ignition switch with Datatool S4 Alarm

    If you fit keyless ignition, I guess you also keep the alarm fob with you to disarm the alarm before starting the bike? Or does the keyless system disarm the Datatool Alarm as well?
  16. Ignition Bypass??

    I just installed the Eastern Beaver on my 07 Classic. Unfortunately, I did not make the modification unitil I had already melted the wire off inside the ignition barrel. I had an electrician friend solder the connection back on and it works, but I am not completely confident in the condition...
  17. How to Copy/Paste Ignition Tables ?

    Hanso, Can you please explain how to copy/paste the ignition timing table for 4th gear into 1st-3rd ? I'm not sure where or what to copy and paste to. I don't want to guess and mess things up. Thanks, Bill.
  18. Ignition Coils

    Heya fellas, I'm in the process of installing a Translogic Quick Shifter kit on my 2010 Roadster. I'm having problems locating the connectors for the ignition coils. Can someone describe where they are?:confused: Cheers!
  19. ignition

    I'm new to this and I have been doing some research but just want to ask my question directly to get your thoughts. The other day, I went to start my 2005 Rocket III cruiser and the lights came on and the gauge rolled over but when I hit the start/ignition button, nothing. Thought my battery was...
  20. infamous Ignition issue?

    I'm new to this and I have been doing some research but just want to ask my question directly to get your thoughts. The other day, I went to start my 2005 Rocket III cruiser and the lights came on and the gauge rolled over but when I hit the start/ignition button, nothing. Thought my battery...