
  1. Keyless ignition

    just fitted my keyless ignition from DEcosse (ken) brilliant bit of kit well impressed no more struggling behind my fly screen for the ignition now , pull the clutch lever hit starter button thats it done, jump off hit the kill switch walk away
  2. Roadster didn't start & check engine light

    Not sure if anyone has heard of this problem based on these "hints" (I'm not mechanically inclined): 2012 Rocket Roaster with Carpenter Brute exhaust, Power Commander, air box delete, triple K&N filters, 37,000km I put in about 600km since I got her this winter. Has been running like a charm...
  3. Ignition switch relocate A la Mittzy

    Took Mittzy up on his offer to make a switch extender harness for me so I could relocate mine to the lower left plastic panel (in front of the left side cover) like he did. I have to say that I really didn't like the stock location of that switch and Mittzy having already perfected the harness...
  4. roadster ignition wiring extention

    has any body either purchased or done a roadster ignition barrel extension sometime ago Rivco sold such an animal but they don't anymore and I believe the barrel on 06 is different than say 2013 roadster if some captains have figured out a system to start and stop without fishing for the...
  5. needing Rlll stock ignition timing

    high there. Who can inform me about the Rlll stock ignition timing. How many degrees advance for example. Thanks !
  6. Ignition Replaced Now Bad Miss

    Thursday I had the ignition switch replaced on my 2011 R3T. The ride home from the shop the bike was missing so badly I wasn't sure I'd make it but I did. Friday did the 12 minute tune and engine light finally went out and bike purring again. Today rode for about an hour and running well but...

    Ok - This is a genuine question. If not then I'll have to try and find a way to measure it. Has anybody measured how many Amps or watts their 3 coils are drawing from the electrical circuit? It might seem a redundant question - but you don't get the sparks for free. There used to be an...
  8. Tech data for ignition switch and alarm ?

    2014 R3T - sorry if this has been covered... Which are the connectors for the ignition switch and alarm, respectively, please ? I have the service manual, and going to install DeCosse' keyless ignition, and the instructions couldn't be simpler, to wit: 1) Identify and disconnect the alarm...
  9. Decosse's keyless ignition

    Well, with a lot of assistance from Ken I am up and running with my keyless ignition. AWESOME. Love it, and Ken's customer service is out of this world!!! Way cool being able to walk up to the bike, flip the kill switch, pull in the clutch, and hit the starter. Of course, unlike someone...
  10. Ignition Timing Question

    Hi all, I have a 2009 RIII standard with stock exhaust and airfilter. I'm running the Wayne Tripp Tune for TORS and underseat K&N as Wayne told me that it would work fine in a standard set up, - which it does, although likely marginally rich in places. I will be fitting D&D slip-ons shortly so...
  11. 2013 is the ignition switch still an issue?

    Hi all pouring through the forum in anticipation of picking up my leftover 2013 and I am just wondering if the ignition switch is still something to be concerned with or have the issues been sorted out?Seems like the complaints were from older models.
  12. DIY Ignition Switch Repair - Get home, Keep Your Locks!

    First off - I am no expert, I assume no liability for this information, this is simply documenting what I did in hopes that it may help you. I'll first post the hotwire I did almost two years ago. It got me home, but this does not turn on your headlights, turn signals, or brake lights. I'm...
  13. Help with advice re Ignition and Ramair.

    Hi Guys. My R3 is unmodified so far, apart from the exhaust system. I have recently been having an intermittent fault with the ignition switch, which is bound to fail completely any time soon. Have been musing with the idea of fitting the Ramair intake system, and then re-wiring the ignition...
  14. Just bought a 2005 R3 in February 2015, now its broke...ignition switch?

    Hi All, This ignition switch forum brought me here. Just bought a 2005 R3 in February 2015, now its broke...ignition switch problem? I was just getting her out for a ride yesterday after being garaged for a month and half while I was away overseas for work. Started fine, but then kept cutting...
  15. Has the ignition problem been fixed ?

    My apologies if there is already a thread that answers this question. I can't seem to find one. I've read a lot about this ignition problem that can be resolved with the EB relay. I just bought a 2014 roadster. Does anyone know if the newer bikes have the same problem?
  16. Ignition Bypass Carry Kit

    I know you are probably all laughing at my posts thinking...."This guy must be the Ultimate Triumph Doomsday Prepper", but a good plan is better than no plan at all. Taken from the wealth of knowledge provided by the gurus of Rocketdom here on the forum and some of my own wisdom on electrical...
  17. Ignition switch.

    Hi All, here's my alternative postion for your igintion switch, wires will reach OK as well nothing to alter just hole in bear claw and rubber gromet. but i think will only work if you have triple K&N's fitted. cheers graham
  18. Ignition timing

    I have made some tests with different ignition timings. (High compression, torque camshaft, stock airbaox, Akra, slip ons) 20 degrees advance does it and gives you a smooth, cool running engine Prost Ulf
  19. Ignition timing?

    Okay, got my tuneECU cable today, pulled map from bike, it was the 20220 (stock silencer no catalyst) no other tweaks to the map. I opened secondary's tweaked Speedo and called it quits. While reading on opening up a triumph rocket earlier, I read that the ignition is different in lower gears...
  20. ignition switch replacement

    I got a replacement ignition switch and I removed the head lights and the chrome cover but can't figure out what else has to come off to replace this. Where are the bolts for this thing?