1. mexican

    I just got the rivco harness for the horns...

    And i have no idea what to do with it, :(:(:(
  2. Rocket Ronnie

    Horn not working..

    Anyone help please. Horn on my 2007 R3 has stopped working. My initial thought was check the fuses. But looking at the handbook, it doesn't list which fuse covers the horn. Does anyone know which one it is? And is there anything else on the same circuit? Everything else on the bike seems to be...
  3. A Manly (and inexpensive) Horn Upgrade

    When I bought my '05 a couple of weeks ago, I was impressed by so many things about the beast except for - the little toy buzzer that jokingly passes for a horn. Now, I've put the buzzer-type horns on a couple of dirt bikes that I had made street legal and plated, but that was just to get the...
  4. air horn

    Suggestions for an easy to install air horn for an 09' R3 touring? This factory electric one just doesn't cut it out on the highway.
  5. slidderhd

    Best Horn upgrade

    Ok, Out of everything out there, who makes the best horn for our R3T? It should make a statement just like our bikes do.
  6. JohnnyCanuck

    Stebel Horn Mounting Position

    When I first bought the Stebel Horn some time ago I was stimied when I discovered that the left side cover and an evap canister under it and the Stebel would not fit. Since then - I separated the plastic horn attachment from the metal canister to find new creative ways to fit the horn in a...
  7. Dennsell

    Sebel Nautilus Horn

    Easy.. Fitted the Sebel Nautilus Horn (ebay $37.05) into the empty Air Box today, removed the Stock embarrasment completely and Tossed it :D Then used the same cables just extended them. Connected them to the relay low voltage side. +84 and -85 (relay coil) Tapped into the EB headlamp fused...
  8. Big Marty

    Replacement Horn Cover 2010 Roadster

    Really a man just cannot understand what goes threw a birds mind whilst flying around as they do. Cruising around nice quite back road just a tad over 100,:rolleyes: then a stupid bird decides to commit suicide, the bastard had the audacity to break my horn cover in the process.:mad: The...
  9. My Rides

    My Rides

    2007 Triumph Rocket 3 Classic Tourer edition.
  10. My Rides

    My Rides

    2007 Triumph Rocket 3 Classic Tourer edition. Shows my Stebel horn mounted to crash bar
  11. My Rides

    My Rides

    2007 Triumph Rocket 3 Classic Tourer edition. Shows the Shoty exhaust and my Corbin wind screen
  12. IMDave

    Replacement horns

    I have a R3T, but it should work on any rocket. Let's face it, the stock horns are embarrassing and do nothing to keep you safe. I didn't want a bunch of large/bulky bolt-on stuff like the siebel horn, so I purchase a pair of stock horns for the GL1800 from the local Honda dealer. They are...
  13. Jackson

    New horn

    Just put on a new horn. Didn't go the Stebel route, but by way of Triumph. I had my dealer trial the Thunderbird horn and the sound was way better than the Rocket. So I took off thge embelisher in the front and replaced the old horn with the Thunderbird horn. Hid the horn with a tool bag. Sounds...
  14. Binnsy

    Horn cover embellisher thingy

    Washed the bike today, new I shouldn't have! That plastic doover was rattling when i washed it, upon closer examination the plastic tang where it was fastened had snapped off on one side ... ****. I'm not buying another one so this weekend will get out with the superglue and botch it up...
  15. Risers for R3 Roadster, and a real horn!

    Hi, FastEddie from Canada. Bought my Roadster last week, and love it. The people at r3... say their risers do not fit the Roadster, and thoughts? The horn on my bike is simply too wimpy for the bike, need a more MANLY horn. cheers, FastEddie
  16. Micksan

    Sickly Horn

    I have not been to happy with the so called horn on my 06 R3. We have this massive machine that when you want to say to your neighbor it sounds like it belongs on a childs tricycle. This past weekend we went to a BMW rally in Eastern Kansas. I have a lot of old friends there, and got a...
  17. JohnnyCanuck

    Stebel Horn Install Problem

    So I removed the left side cover from the Rocket in order to install the Stebel horn and much to my surprise I saw a fairly sizable cylinder laying horizontally behind the left cover. From reading other posts I believe this to the be "Evap Canister" which is required in California but not any...
  18. JohnnyCanuck

    Anemic Stock Horn

    So I odered the horn relay from Eastern Beaver based on all the advice from this forum. Still have to order the Stebel Nautilus and will do so shortly. Amazingly, I had never actually honked the horn prior to doing all of this. Yesterday, decided I would take a listen. Pressed the button and...
  19. jaredmt

    Horn - Buzzer ??

    What I'm after is a product I've yet to find, so I'm forced to describe what I want. Instead of a standard horn, I would prefer a "buzzer". I assume you've all heard police cars/motorcycles use a buzzer-type sound ... sometimes with their sirens, sometimes just as a quick attention getter...
  20. scot in exile

    Horn Cover

    Who has a different horn cover? if possible please post some pictures and if I like them I will copy you with no royaltys.:D