
  1. I need a louder horn!!!

    Guys looking for a louder horn, what the suggestions? placement and wiring?
  2. Stebel Nautilus Horn

    Hi, Having read many posts about the virtues of a Stebel horn, I managed to get one. In the UK think rocking horse poo as there were no in stockists. The German suppliers (European agents) didn't have any either. This afternoon, being wet, I decided to install it after having read the threads...
  3. R.I.P. Greg Fairthorne

    Was just looking through some posts and somebody posted on my Ponters RIIIR thread. Looking at pictures and thinking about the build makes me think about the R&D, time and guys involved in the build, reminding me of Greg. I found out yesterday that sadly, Greg Faithorne from ASR Suspension...
  4. Check Engine Light on after Truck-lite headlight/Stebel horn instal

    Hi all - I have a question I hope someone can answer. I just installed Truck-lite headlight & spots and a Stebel horn. I did have the gages unplugged. Battery was disconnected for about 10 minutes. After I started it - Gas gage didn’t read and check engine light came on. I checked connections to...
  5. My new horns

    After my second Stebel failed from rusty diaphragms I bought a set of these. They came from China freight for $15.00. I believe these are the same ones Rockethead put on Nolten's bike in Montrose. I mounted mine a little different. I'm still using the Stebel compressor I have mounted under the...
  6. Airsplitter Horn

    As everyone knows the standard Rocket horn is not really up to the job of announcing the arrival of such a magnificent beast.... So we thought an upgrade was in order. Wollo have a good reputation, so we ordered the Airsplitter model and here's how we got on. The wiring is just connecting as...
  7. Garage door opener / horn mod

    What an awesome mod. I wonder if i can retrofit the Rocket? http://view.break.com/2651322
  8. Broke my horn cover :(

    I put my new flyscreen on today "Thanks Mittzy" looks great but i was messing around with my led lights and broke one of the tabs off of my horn cover. Does anyone have one lying around they dont want? Here is my ***** with her new screen
  9. Just installed an airhorn

    Much much better! It was pretty easy to do. I read about how the Stebel can be split up and I found some space under my left cover against the frame. I used a clamp and wired it up and got the compressor to spin. I then used a clear hose and connected the compressor to the trimmed horn piece...
  10. Horn Replacement

    What should I replaced the stock horn with? Not considering an air horn. What brand makes a horn that can actually be heard in traffic?
  11. brake light horn and turn signals

    Hi to all, asking for a rider in Pittsburgh, he has a 2010 Roadster and just recently the horn, brake light and turn signals quit working! any thoughts?
  12. Stebel Air Horn installation

    Hi guys Just for fun I checked my local kijiji and found someone in my town selling a stebel compact and full plug and play wiring harness along with some kind of L mounting bracket. I am looking forward to installing this because I had one on my Suzuki and it was really fun. Nothin makes...
  13. Screaming Banshee horn kit on the R3T?

    Looking to get a horn on the bike that isn't silly. At first I thought just to replace the stock with a serious air horn but then found the "Screaming Banshee" info - it adds the air horn but doesn't replace the stock, so you can still give a friendly toot or hold the button down a quarter...
  14. Relocating horn?

    Has anyone relocated the horn from between the forks? I do not like the looks of the gaudy piece they have hiding it.
  15. Installing Wolo twins air horns

    Installing Wolo Airsplitter model # 415 I am attempting to install Wolo airsplitter twin trumpet horn. Has anyone done this or can anyone send pics of a good install ie what parts must be removed before the install. I plan to use the spot under the front signal light bar, and the original horn...
  16. horn cover

    does anyone have the chrome cover for the horn i just ruined my own when i hit a pheasant:mad:
  17. horn cover

    does anyone have the chrome cover for the horn i just ruined my own when i hit a pheasant:mad:
  18. New horn

    I,m trying to install two fiamm "el grande" horns on my '06 R3 in the oem position, I read rjharris post on this mod. but he had trouble with the supplied brackets, I need clarification on wiring and bracket setup... any takers ??
  19. Screaming Banshee horn upgrade

    Anyone tried out this horn? I just came across it and it seems like a brilliant idea. You still have your little stock horn if you just want to beep at somebody, but if you hold it down for 1/2 a second, you have the stock horn plus a pulsing 139 dB air horn and flashing high beams. A little...