1. JeremyMcG1

    Probably the 1000th "I need a louder horn thread"

    2016 Rocket III Roadster. Live in Las Vegas - where no one knows how to drive and no one watches out for bikes. Did a charity poker run today, got cut off on the freeway 3x today alone from idiot cagers in the middle lane or the far right swinging wide and fast into the far left to get into the...
  2. Ward

    Rubbish Gen2 Horn

    I'm very disappointed with the standard Gen2 horn, in particular to stupid place it's located and that it sounds like a Deliveroo rider's 😟,.... There is just nowhere to mount a proper one (Stebel Nautilus compact) and I've spent a week or two looking ! I eventually bit the bullet and bought...
  3. HarryBo

    Installed Fiamm Free-Way Blaster horn today

    Installed Fiamm Free-Way Blaster horn today. Used OEM bracket and connectors. Only had to slightly twist and straighten bracket and bend connectors away from engine a bit. The new horn threaded post is shorter than OEM horn, so needed to split rubber grommet (like cutting a bagel) to make it...
  4. Micksan

    Want to replace horn

    It's a great bike wimpy horn. I ride through some areas where there are some deer. I like a loud horn to scare the deer off. Plus anything else that needs to know I am in the area. The stock horn does not have it. Any suggestions on replacements? I don't want to rattle windows or wake the...
  5. Parthe

    About that horn...

    So I picked up my Rocket 3 GT last week and am very, very happy with it but honestly, that horn is embarrassing, it belongs on a 125! The standard horn on my KTM 390 is better. So, it needs to go, the problem is, what to replace it with and, more importantly, where to mount it? Other posts...
  6. SonOfJorEl

    Horn change

    Hey all, I want to switch out the factory horn from my 2016 R3R with minimal mods. Whats the best upgrade I can do in this case? I don't own any power tools to made mods and Im not good with them either if I rent them from somewhere, so please take that into consideration lol. Ideally the (new)...
  7. Prof Busa

    The Infamous Speedo, Odo, Fuel Gage, Horn Failure - Remedies...?

    Dear Members: I have been riding for over 30 years, and currently live in Singapore where prices of everything are insane. I bought a 2012 Rocket 3 Roadster from an ~80 year old "uncle" who could only speak Chinese. The bike looked great and ran perfect, though the rear tire was shot. Really...
  8. wesmc

    No Brake light, Horn, Turn Signals...

    I know they all run off the same relay, checked it. It has power and continuity. Can't locate a relay for any of these. Would the fuse have power if the trouble is the ignition switch? Thanks
  9. rainman

    Horn cover

    Got me this horn cover the eyes lite up will take another pic when I get it hooked up
  10. SanjeeveST

    Air Horn Positioning

    Found a spot, that secures PIAA 76501 500Hz Slim Line Sports Horn firmly. No modifications are required...
  11. G-Force Junkie

    LED lights / Air horn / HID projector headlights

    Check out the media section for some pics too.
  12. Frans

    Horn/brake light/turn indicators not working all the time

    No problems with the brake/horn/indicators before starting, it starts without any problems, at 2000rpm the voltage is 14.5v (neutral) but when riding the horn does not work. The brake light and the turn indicators might or might not work while riding. Hard to pinpoint a condition that will...
  13. Antek

    A properly loud horn for the bike

    The stock horn on the R3 leaves much to be desired to say the least when it comes to the sound volume it produces. 😞 So I got the DENALI SoundBomb Mini (Amazon.com: SoundBomb Mini Electromagnetic Low Tone Horn: Automotive) and installed it in place of the stock horn. Couldn’t fit it on the...
  14. Mr G

    Which colour wire is the positive to the horn , roadster 2014

    Hey guys I am fitting a Denali sound bomb split , I am nearly done buy wonder if you can tell me which wire is the positive which attaches to the horn . Just want to make sure before I connect up . See picture below .
  15. Jetag93

    Replaced stock horn (2.5L)

    I installed the Denali mini soundbomb today. You have to bend the supplied bracket just right to get about 1/2 inch clearance from engine case in stock location. It is much louder than stock horn.
  16. technoguppy

    Replacement horn for R3GT/R

    Has anyone replaced the stock horn with say a Denali car horn on a Rocket 3 GT / R? I agree with The Boog's post about the horn needing to be replaced but before I make a virtual trip to Amazon for a new horn, I was wondering if anyone else has fitted a horn to this bike. If you did replace...
  17. Son_Of_Dog

    Horn doesn't work; How to not be an idiot in 10 easy steps

    Well, like most new things that I get, I've begun the disassembly of the Skunk. The horn did not work when I got the bike and we assumed it was due to the horn being filled with mud dobber nests. The steps taken for the repair are below (happy ending included): Horn does not work. Clear...
  18. TRath

    Help: Signals, horn, brake gone

    Need help because I do not know electrical. My ignition finally crapped out on my 2009 Classic so I went with a keyless bypass. (Digital Guard Dog) Worked fine for a week then died. A friend and I traced it to a bad connector in the new kit and at the advice of DGD we cut the connector out and...
  19. Hemi_Guy

    Help for a newbie :)

    Hey all, Now that I have my R3T home, I could use help with the following: A blank Triumph key (dealer only had one key). An owners manual (dealer didn't have it). Other typical newbie questions such as: Oil / filter recommendations Fuel Octane - Do these engines have any preferences or run...
  20. Jallen3.14

    Want to Buy Chrome horn cover

    Discovered my horn cover is cracked. PO painted it black and it's starting to chip, so it's time to replace it with a chrome one. Thought I'd check here and see if anyone had one they wanted to get rid of before I call the dealer tomorrow.