heat shield

  1. captain jack

    Heat shield mount

    Did you know that the exhaust heat shield is held on with two screws one of which screws in to a captive nut on an extension tab of the mounting plate on the exhaust manifold/ header. On mine this extension piece has snapped. The plate which runs behind the 3 outlets & header has to be bought...
  2. Predator exhaust heat shields??

    Hi Guys I have a 2007 Rocket with black Predators but didn't get heat shields from previous owner. I attempted to PM Travelguy with no response. Can anyone assist me in how I might get some? My right leg and my girlfriends will thank you in advance:) !
  3. Anyone have a spare heat shield screw?

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone had a spare heat shield screw and washers(Part # 5576309-001 for the screw, 5576817-001 for the lock washer and 5576691-001 for the washer according to BikeBandit.com) they could send me? I noticed after a trip the other day I was missing the screw and...