Hi team, sustained some damage to the right hand side exhaust heat shield / cover, the bit that goes over silencer connection. Does anyone have one they want rid of. Regards Alan.
Yesterday I was attempting to remove the heat shield at the front of the swingarm/shaftdrive cover, which is just two M6x12 button-head screws. It should have been easy! The forward one came out without complaint, but the one in the rear must have been cross-threaded at the factory because the...
Right after my first ride, I knew I would have to do something about the heat coming off the exhaust manifold. Some of the made in China were ugly and expensive. I talked to a friend who owns an Indian dealership. They had to stop using the wrap-around type because they held moisture and...
Hey everyone. I'm on the hunt for a single piece of a heat shield on the Jardine exhaust for a 07' R3 classic. It's the piece that covers the area where the three pipes converge into two. Any help is much appreciated.
While doing some post trip maintenance, I discovered that a clamp fell off somewhere on the Maggie Valley run. Anyone have one laying around they would part with?
Thanks in advance...
Looking to wrap or do some sort of heat shield for my Carpenter Sidewinder Exhaust. If I wrap, probably going to wrap it back to where the megaphone connects. Also thought about making shields for where my pants tend to touch the header pipe and down by the collector which throws a lot of heat...
For those who have a custom header exhaust know that even with the header ceramic coated and even with your leg being held away from the actual header, you will still get radiated heat from the header that roasts your calf when riding a while. After trying to get a custom heat shield made and...
I was wondering if anyone who has upgraded their header would mind parting with one of the 3 upper heat shields? I'm just trying to cover where my slip on fits. Thanks. Norm
Anyone know where I can source an exhaust heat shield (AKA Cover Assembly Cat Box RH) for an 09 Classic. I was lucky enough to get rid of the ridiculous exhaust the original owner had fitted and I've gone back to the traditional 3 pipes. (Thanks to a member here, Jason Jurgens).
I can get an...
I love my Viking pipes but like all custom pipes they tend to turn your your right leg into a bratwurst that's been forgotten on the barbe... even more of a problem in Las Vegas temperatures above 40C... So, I made several patterns and had a guy make brackets, cut, bend and weld them on to a...
What is the diameter for the crossover pipe on the Touring?
I'm going to try to install a heat shield to prevent heat soak of the starter.
Yes, I'm aware of the multitude of tips to address the hot click and have tried just about everything.
The only time I get a click now is when it's very hot...
Anyone have any idea how hot the lower heat shields on the exhausts get? in other words the ones nearest the back of the pipes as opposed to the ones on the manifold.
Simple question I think. Is the distance and angle from the crash bar to the radiator the same on TR3 and TR3 Touring? Ive a 2012 Touring and made a simple heat shield and want to make a few for regular Rocket owners as well...
For Sale: Heat shield, clam shell intake cover.
Gel touring seat, A9701163/4.
Triumph saddlebags with hardware, purchased used and not put on. Very good condition with some stitching that came out on each at the seems and is easily repaired.
Reasonable prices. Some pieces dusty but will...
Heard a loud clang while driving on the freeway today toward L.A. Looked around when I parked and saw the left side exhaust heat shield fell off. This is the second part to fall off my bike in the past month, the other being one of the factory bolted-on foot pads. I bought the bike new...
Have had my new header on my 2014 Roadster for 850+ miles riding in up to 98 degree days and have not felt any discomfort from heat. I do believe the results would not be the same on a Classic or Touring model where the foot position in farther foward. But for the Roadster the new style...
This may or may not work for those looking for heat shields.Saw in J&P cataloug ,they call it flexible heat shield wrap.Item#161-601,161-602&178-525 This was an H- D catalog
Hi All,
Wondering if anyone here has experienced the following issue.
I received a new set of TOR's for my 2007 Rocket Classic Tourer and started the teardown process to install them. I didn't get far as the right side heat shield hex bolt, top of heat shield near exhaust header, is frozen...
A screw must have rattled out of the heat shield on my R3R. I did some searching around and all I could find was an old post from 2007 that had some replacement part numbers but they don't seem to be valid anymore.
Anyone know where I can get a replacement screw for the one missing in the picture?