1. leatal

    Exhaust header flange

    After trying to purchase a small diameter stainless steel header, I am thinking about having one fabricated locally. I need the header flanges to weld the primaries to, but cannot find any. Does anyone know if the header flanges off the Triumph Sprint or the Speed Triple will fit the Rocket...
  2. leatal

    Improved OEM header?

    Saw a picture of this OEM header setup (see attached) by TTS on Facebook. E-mailed them and got this response from Richard: "Basically the std headers have an inner heat shield as well as the chrome covers. SO by removing that inner shield and just using heat wrap we can create enough room to...
  3. Punker

    Coolant dump out of header tank

    Hi Guys. A bit of trouble on the bike the weekend. Any advice would be helpful. Came back from a 100 mile ride and put the bike in the garage. An hour later went back into the garage and there was a large pool of fluid under the bike. The heater header tank was empty and the contents were on...

    My new Viking header is on its way!

    Can't wait... will post pics when installed.
  5. Rayamx69

    Header flange

    Im looking for a source for a premade flange/s for a custom build. It doesnt matter if all three cylinders are together or individual. Is anyone making these?
  6. sleeves

    New header and exhaust fitted today

    Just got my new exhaust system today and instead of working ended up messing round in the garage this arvo fitting it up. Pretty excited its booked for a dyno tune next week, then off to be HPC coated, just sprayed black at moment with stove enamel to stop it rusting. Very happy with it and...
  7. 2012cliff


    Just wondering if anyone makes a header that has the same design as the stock one but bigger 2" pipes. Would this make any sense?
  8. flyreels

    CES Exhaust and Headers

    My CES Headers and a 2 1/4 inch single exhaust with custom heat shields, I will try and get some better pictures tomorrow
  9. Mike188

    CES Header & Crossover pipe

    Finally ordered a CES header in 2 & 1/4 inch, along with a crossover to reduce down to 1 & 3/4 to fit onto the TOR's. Got the Beast booked into Mr Lush so he can fit and Dyno.......Pics to follow when its all done (after I get back from NZ in early October)
  10. Evil Mitch

    For Sale Headers and staintune silencers

    Hey everyone i will be selling my ceramic coated stainless headers built by Sam Travelguy with the three staintune silencers as im going for a different look please pm me if you wish to make an offer. pickup is prefered but if someone requires postage it will be at their expense including packaging
  11. Heat tape for headers

    I was having the heat issue riding in Az. I have decided to try wrapping the headers with heat tape. This is the first time I have done this. Do you have any recommendations as to what kind to buy? Thanks
  12. Need a tune for 2006 R3 with Sam's Thug Exhaust/Headers, K&Ns, no Secondaries

    I am new to the tune arena and looking for a good starting place. I am using Tuneboy I have a 2006 that I am installing Sam's thugs/header (bought used). I have K&Ns and removed the secondaries. The original owner of the thugs use PC I believe and had stock filters/carbs. Can anyone here be...
  13. Wannbe

    Header Nostrils

    Thanks to Bob, I have a new to me Stock Header. My plan is to create a new header that looks stock, but with 2" tubes. My question is, the header has these v grooves in the middle for some reason. Are these for strength? Do these carry into the head? Would there be any benefit to taking a...
  14. Wannbe

    Want to Buy Headers or full exhaust

    I'm looking for a set of headers to cut up to make larger diameter tubes to a larger diameter crossover pipe and larger diameter exhaust. I will then add a ramair filter and have custom dyno tune. I want to have the stock look and better flow and keep my original. If someone has a spare set that...
  15. Wannbe

    Another Header Option for Me Maybe???

    I stopped by a local muffler shop today, and the guy says he can build a custom header to can system using larger diameter pipe"1 3/4 or 2". All this and keep stock heat shields and look. Will this give results similar to CES or at least be better than what is on there now. He can also open up...
  16. evanr

    Custom headers in the UK

    Has anybody had custom headers fabricated in the UK. If so by who ?
  17. PCV and headers/collector question.

    Hi folks, brand new here and just posted my intro. Two questions kept me searching this site and the web all night. I know some stuff still from having my T-bird modded and found most of the info I need on the forum but here is what's bugging me. 1) I want to get the Triumph Tors for my bike...
  18. Header stickout comparo? Carpenter versus Reband

    Hey guys. I moved my foot controls forward 8" and found that the Carpenter #1 pipe was too close and too hot for my leg. Good pipe however. I'm curious if anyone has experience with the Reband pipe and how far the pipes come away from the engine? Or a direct comparison from the #1 cylinder...
  19. jaredmt

    Available: Stock Pipes & Headers From 2010 Riii Roadster

    I have my stock Pipes & headers from 2010 RIII Roadster and I'm trying to find a new home for them. I'm moving and don't want to drag them along with me. If anyone is interested, please let me know. Sorry if this isn't a good forum for this ... couldn't see one that fits better.
  20. Kyrocket

    Running Exhaust straight off headers

    Would it be possible to run a short pipe right off the headers for exhaust? Would it be ok or would you need to mod the air intake and all of that?