I bought myself a Christmas present a little before Christmas....A garmin 2730 Streetpilot with the MP3 player and the XM Traffic Nav feature. I have to get mounts for the bikes now. Probably a RAM mount for the R3 but definitely a Touratech aluminum/stainless isolastic mount for the KLR. The...
I also wanted to add some pictures of my new motorcycle GPS unit. It was pretty easy to install and is rainproof (unlike my Garmin unit that I had on the trip to Nashville). It comes with a regular A/C charger, 12V charger, car mount set up, motorcycle mount set up and the ram mount so...
I've mounted a Garmin Zumo to my Rocket and ran the wiring all the way to the battery. But I'd rather splice those wires into something that turns on and off with the ignition, so I don't run the risk of leaving on the GPS and using up all my battery.
There seems to be quite a few wires...
Hi, I'm hoping to mount a Zumo GPS to my Rocket. The ideal location would be front and center, just above the gauges. I tried mounting it on the bars near the clutch lever, and it's too distracting right next to the mirror.
Seems like a windscreen could anchor it using a RAM mount setup...
I am new to this forum and don't have an R3 yet, but GPS units are pretty much bike agnostic and so I thought I'd contribute by recommending an excellent GPS unit I have on my VTX, the Lowrance iWay 500. This unit has a nice BIG screen, easy to use touch screen navigation, is waterproof, and...