1. g-dog

    GPS Hardwire

    When hard-wiring a GPS mount using the heated-grips wiring harness--should I use the purple or red for hot? They both have juice. Thanks, gents.

    GPS suggestions

    What all types of GPS is every one using I got a nuvi 660 Garman but it will only except one point at a time and cannot download trips from the site. what is everyone using that will download and except multiple points
  3. jthree

    Aux Power for GPS

    I apologize if this has been asked before but my search turned up nothing. I have a power adapter for my GPS and am about to install it on the R3 (it's a fixed unit, not a cigarette lighter style) and I need to find power that is only on when the bike is running. Can anybody tell me the best...
  4. RevT55

    Lets talk GPS!

    Wanting some ideas on GPS. Of course I like the Zumo 665. But, come on, $700-$800!!! Will a car rated GPS work on a R3? I was thinking that a good tank bag would protect the GPS and could get set up for half the price. Plus the R3 runs smoother than most bikes, so vibration would not be an...
  5. stepnet1983

    Cell Phone & GPS Adapter

    Ya'll may already be familiar with this particular product but it was something I saw at the :o Victory dealer in Jacksonville, FL. It is an adapter for cell phone chargers, GPS, etc. I looked at one they had in stock and it looked interesting. It connects directly to the battery and has a...
  6. HellFire

    GPS Failing?

    MY neutral light is flickering and the bike shuts off with the kickstand down occasionally. Seems if I don't hold my mouth just right and fiddle with the shifter to get it right in the center of neutral, the light either doesn't come on or flickers. The trans is going into neutral easy as...
  7. Can't find GPS coupling for GiPro

    Anyboy got a pic of the GPS connector for a 2009 or equivalent R3T? In trying to follow the GiPro directions, I looked under the plastic plate on the "left" side of the engine. I am assuming that means the driver's left; the same side as the bear claw, oil tank, and coolant fill. So I look...

    GPS down load

    Has any one tried to download the trips laid out for MV not having much luck with by Garmin 660
  9. 64Herald

    GPS case

    Has anyone made a waterproof case for the Garmin 765t. I looked at the RAM Aqua bax but I would need the large one to fit the GPS. It don't look right.
  10. Car GPS?

    The low prices on car GPS's are tempting me now, but I want one I can use on the Rocket also. Anyone else doing this and/or can share some advice about it?
  11. Satellite & GPS Questions HELP !

    I going on a road trip next week and need some help. I am going to buy a handlebar mounted GPS system. What kind should I buy? Cost is not as important as ease of use & visibility. I also am considering a satelite radio. I already subcribe to XM & Sirius so what radio should I look at? I have...


    Just curious if anybody has tried any GPS units and what were the good and bad
  13. gwilliams290

    GPS attachment

    I've got a Garmin Zumo 550 that I am going to install. Is there a good location to attach the wiring?
  14. left hand controls

    left hand controls

    The thing closest to my left hand is the remote control for the FM/AM/WB/MP3 stereo unit that resides in the trunk - Clarion CMS1. Next to that, to the right, is the GPS - Gramin Zumo660. Chrome TechMounts.
  15. gps VS odo

    I went for a ride the other day and when I got back the GPS unit said I went 150 miles and the odometer said that I went 140 miles. I reset them at the same time when I filled up with gas. Whats up with that!!! The speedometers on both units are spot on. Can you shed any light on this one...
  16. GPS Mount

    Hello, i am looking for a GPS mount for a Garmin street pilot C340, anyone ahve any info for that? thank you
  17. Molinoman

    HD Trunk and GPS

    I was looking thru the HD website trying to find out a price on the Tour Pak Trunk (was unsuccessful....no parts look up) in case I buy the R3T in the future. Had already checked out the Fleetliner and some of the others shown on our site so I wanted to see what HD had to offer. Since that...
  18. Service Bulletin: GPS O Ring change

    When you take your bikes in for their next service you might want to get your dealer to check the latest service bulletins. For some VIN numbers (not sure if all) there is a bulletin that states the GPS O ring should be changed. The stock O ring is too big. It's a five minute job. I mention...
  19. wiring for a GPS

    I am trying to find where to wire in a GPS power cable. I thought I could wire it into the fog light switch but only the hot wire runs through the switch. I lifted the tank and found 3 connectors. One is white with a black housing, there are two black ones one with four wires and the other...
  20. gps unit

    I would like some help. I need to know the best way to hook up the power to a gps unit so it will turn off with the ignition. I don't really want to hook up to a cigarette lighter plug, but I am not sure where to get the power from. I know there is a grip heater connection under the tank...