1. Lickety Split

    Vavle Cover Gasket

    What's the latest scoop on keeping the valve cover gasket in place with minimal leakage.Had this thing replaced not long ago at a dealership.Seems to me to be some silly bullcrap here going on. It's just a valve cover gasket. Going to replace this weekend. Some things you have to do yourself. So...
  2. AussieMick

    leaking head gasket

    2017 R3R with 20000km and a leaking head gasket on the left hand side. Have Ramair, DP Shorty exhausts and a 20+ ECU count for tune changes. Took it to the local dealer who inspected it, Triumph approved the warranty work and I saved $520 because I now do not need to do a 20000km service because...
  3. GaryA

    Cam cover gasket replacement time

    Noticed a slight leak at the rear right of the cover and the gasket seems distorted and broken allowing a leak. Have smeared some gasket repair in to keep riding and just ordered the new gasket. Is there any tips or tricks for this job? Watching the fuel tank removal thread as this is what I...
  4. John Ward

    Cam Cover Gasket

    Hi My cam cover gasket has started weeping oil on the back right corner [as yer sat on the bike looking down] .. I'm hoping to get this done under warranty but you never know! Anyway I have looked at the sticky at the top of the forum page and was wondering if you have to remove anything...
  5. foxviewnet

    Exhaust Question???

    Hey guys, I am getting ready to install the exhaust that I ordered from Dave Platt. I did the removal today of the stock exhaust and noticed that there are copper mesh/wrap gaskets between the exhaust connections with clamps making the seal complete. Any suggestions of the type of exhaust...