1. elcanaco

    Fuel tank float arm

    I’m only heading into season 3 with my ‘08 but from day one the low fuel level light would come on after only 70 miles. I read from others that the problem was the float arm and today I discovered how bent my float arm is. I’m taking a LOT of parts to a custom paint shop tomorrow and in the...
  2. ZoneIII

    R3T Fuel level indicator not reading.

    As I was changing all the fluids on my 2015 R3T getting it ready to ride, I noticed that the fuel gauge was reading zero even though the tank is full. If anyone else has had this problem or has any suggestions, I'd like to hear from them. There was no problem with the bike when put away last...
  3. Mark Sutterby-Watts

    Want to Buy Fuel sender

    Hi. Does anyone have an used or new fuel sender for sale?? Cheers everyone
  4. Ham42

    Want to Buy Fuel gauge

    I know they are rare but need a fuel gauge to balance out my look. Don't really care if it works!!
  5. phar2slo

    100 Octane Should I use it?

    Hi all, We are able to buy 100 octane fuel in the south island of New Zealand. My question is should I run the beast on this stuff. Will it hurt the motor. Will I need to get a tune done on a dyno?