1. Bedifferent

    For Sale (Listed on eBay) Corbin Fairing R3T

    Sold I have decided to sell my Corbin Fairing in spite of how well I like the looks of it on my bike. Since I made my extra wind deflectors for my hands, I have decided I like the pocket I get better with my tall Cee Bailey windshield. I have listed it on eBay and since I am not sure how to...
  2. cadconversions

    Want to Buy Corbin fairing and/or windshield / sports screen

    About to purchase a Corbin fairing for my bike. However, I'm going on a bike trip prior to it arriving. Would like to possibly purchase a Corbin fairing in great condition from someone here in Phantom Black. More likely - I'm going to need to purchase either a painted fly screen, sports...
  3. 2012cliff

    making due, can't afford a fairing , BUT

    Howdy, wanted to post my idea for a little more wind protection. Still not as effective as a good fairing at clearing up some of the buffeting. When I purchased the bike used, it came with a tall and a shorter windshield. I cut the shorter windshield in half and using stock mounting hardware was...
  4. blip

    Roadster windshield / fairing

    so I am the proud new owner of a rocket III roadster. I used to ride a R3T but have decided to see how the other half lives :) I am interested in understanding what everyone does for wind protection. I tried ridding with the stock windshield and the clearview but actually prefer it without a...
  5. blip

    Roadster windshield / fairing

    so I am the proud new owner of a rocket III roadster. I used to ride a R3T but have decided to see how the other half lives :) I am interested in understanding what everyone does for wind protection. I tried ridding with the stock windshield and the clearview but actually prefer it without a...
  6. Klock Werks Windshield /w Hoppe Fairing

    Hey lads, I went to a local bike event yesterday (classy chassis anniversary) and well i pulled the trigger on a Klock Werks windshield. People kept telling me how good they were and the difference between a regular fairing windshield. They are / were 100% correct. Wow what a difference...
  7. blip

    Want to Buy Corbin bags and fairing wanted for R3R

    Hello Everyone, I have very recently (today actually) bought a 2014 rocket 3 roadster. I have been an R3T guy for a while but crashed the bike and now replacing with the roadster. Being a touring guy though, I need to make sure I have enough of the creature comforts. Looking for the following...
  8. blip

    Aftermarket Fairing: Corbin or Quadzilla?

    Hello Everyone. I have been thinking long and hard about how to increase the wind protection and decrease buffeting and turbulence on my ride. I love the ride on the R3T, after about 1000km though I am more fatigued then I would like. So .... naturally my mind went to a fairing as the solution...
  9. Hoppe Industries - Batwing Fairing

    Hey all; Just a little update; i ordered my Hoppe Batwing fairing about two weeks ago. I received a phone call yesterday from John Hoppe advising that he had just received my fairing back from the paint shop. He told me that he noticed a small run in the paint on the inside lower part of the...
  10. Tsukayu Batwing GPS Fairing... comments?

    Looking at buying one of these: Tsukayu Batwing GPS Fairing with Full stereo and 6" x 9" Waterproof Speakers (http://www.tsukayu.com/QuickDetachableFairingwithGPS.html ) (http://www.tsukayu.com/AudioSystem%20GPSFairing.html ) Comments?
  11. Elvis

    Rocket Roadster- pics with bags, fairings, and windshields

    Hey Guys, after going to the Chicago motorcycle show and sitting on the Rocket Roadster all blacked in I have been looking at various windshields, bags and fairings for this bike. I saw a pic of 1olbull and noticed his set up and thought it looked pretty good, just wondered what other options...
  12. Hoppe Fairing - 2014 R3T

    Hey lads; Its been a long cold winter for us up in Canada and im sure some of you in the states. That being said im ready to get my big winter upgrade ordered. So i need to know has anyone ordered a Hoppe fairing, if so is there any upgrades you'd recommend amp, windshield change etc...
  13. Bedifferent

    Corbin Fairing Review Update

    Shortly after joining the forum I posted a review of my Corbin fairing. "FYI My Corbin Fairing Review". In spite of some of its faults, I still think it is the best looking fairing for the rocket, provides great protection for your hands in the cold and rain and is easy to take on and off if I...
  14. Bedifferent

    FYI My Corbin Fairing Review

    I'm new to the forum, but I thought I would contribute some of my thought on the Corbin Fairing. I have seen some interest on the forum about fairings and since I bought a Corbin, here is my take. I bought my 2013 Rocket 3 Touring Bike late this last season after riding my 2009 Harley Fatboy...
  15. Elvis

    Now TMC trikes is advertising a trunk an fairing for 5/15

    AVAILABLE OPTIONS Front & Rear Billet Aluminum Wheels (available 8/2014) 17" tires Front Wheel Balancer Fender Bras with Optional Embroidery ABS Integration Kit Parking Brake Kit Trailer with Complementary Styling Trailer Hitch Assembly Trailer Wiring Harness with 6 Pin Connector Chrome Nerf...
  16. Elvis

    Motortrike- R3T with trunk and fairing 5/15?

    Has anyone besides me noticed the verbiage from Motortrike stating there will be a fairing and trunk option from them for the trike in 2015? https://www.motortrike.com/TriumphRocketTrike.aspx AVAILABLE OPTIONS Front & Rear Billet Aluminum Wheels (available 8/2014) 17" tires Front Wheel...
  17. R3T batwing fairing from Reckless Motorcycles.

    Hey lads; Anyone on here have a R3T with a batwing. If so can you post pics along with the batwing manufacturer. I'm interested in side views. I've been looking at reckless motorcycles but they're version seems to sit a little far forward am I just imagining it?
  18. 1BigDog

    R3T Fairings

    So im thinking ahead for a winter project and I realize that I do miss having a stereo. I searched the threads here for fairings and have seen a few that might interest me. Corbin is definitely out. I have it narrowed down to the Tsukayu or the one from Wide Open. Wide open seems to have a...
  19. Jeff Cameron

    Options other than Corbin for a Batwing style fairing for the R3R?

    What else is out there for a Batwing style fairing other than the Corbin one.....I love it but it just too rich for my blood.