Is there an easy way to find out if you have an exhaust leak?
How about a hard one?
- Sitting at a traffic light with no one around me, I'm smelling gas/exhaust.
- I'm also getting a LOT of heat coming from around the back cylinder that blows on the underside of my right thigh.
Had a thought in my head for some time about modifying my exhaust to make 3 into 4!!!!!!!
I've looked at the original cat box and the cat eliminator I bought and fitted and see no reason why it cant be done.
I can hear lots of you saying WTF and why?
answer is why not and coz i can!!
Its got...
A friend of mine sent me this, which happens to be exactly the exhaust setup I want on my bike. I know it's all custom made, but maybe I could have the builder sell me one, or atleast get some ideas and have one made. Thanks -Greg
after years of harley riding i will add a rocket III to the garage this august from quatar dealership. they will ship it to dubai, where i live.
here you have to follow the say "loud pipes save lives". so, can anyone tell me where i can get aftermarket pipes which will save my life in case...
It really bugs me that Vance & Hines or even Cobra do not bother with making exhaust systems for Triumphs.
I like the sound of Vance & Hines and for sure they would sound good on a Rocket.
What is it about Triumphs they dont like?:mad:
Same goes for Mustang seats.
No offence to my wife but she has the worst luck... She melted a small portion of a shopping bag on her exhaust and I would like some recommendations on removing it.
I was thinking some nail polish remover (acetone) would do the trick but I am not sure what affect it would have on the chrome...
After a little over 1000 miles last weekend in over 90 degree heat, I have decided that it is just to dam hot to ride this bike in these kind of temps. I had the Jardine header wrapped and this helped tremendously. I am seriously going to investigate getting the exhaust header jet sprayed to...
I need some information on exhaust. I just picked up a Rocket and need to improve the sound. I have a chance to buy a used set of TOR's exhaust on Craigslist. Will they make a big difference over stock with the catalytic converter still installed? I wanted to install these for a short time...
Anybody had any experience with these? They offer K&N filter and exhaust package. Reflash required from dealer. How is sound and performance? What about decel? Popping and such? Finally if all is well, where is best price? I have D&D on my Victory and they are top quality, but expensive.
making my own hard bags out of honeycomb carbon fiber which I will be covering in leather. As it is templeted now, they sit within 1 inch of the exhausts. Has anyone had any experience with leather that close to the exhaust? Concern I guess is to scorching the leather. Just made my new seat...
Hi Guys I have a 2007 Rocket with black Predators but didn't get heat shields from previous owner. I attempted to PM Travelguy with no response. Can anyone assist me in how I might get some? My right leg and my girlfriends will thank you in advance:) !
So help me out here guys. I'm going to drop some coin on a R3 Roadster when I get back and I'm trying to decide between the Non-ABS/ABS variants (which I read to be the 2009/2010 models respectively). The reason for this dilemma is because I want to fit one of the zard systems to the bike and I...
i have to congratulate jared on taking on relocating the master with nothing to go by.. just moving that i think really cleaned up the look of the bike.. utah'in do it yourselfism at it's finest.
Hi everyone. This is my first day on the site. Last year I bought a rocket 3 roadster and after about 5000 miles decided that I am interested in upgrading the exhaust system. I was wondering if there were any preferences, and I heard a rumor that zard is comming out with a 3-1 for the...