Hey everyone I'm sure this is a common question but Id like to clarify my situation and find the best solution.
I have a new 2016 Triumph Rocket 3 Roadster and I'm looking to increase power, performance and Sound better.
My dealership explained to me with just a tune boy, new exhaust and air...
Hey Guys,
Just got my brand new sidewinder exhaust from carpenter. Super excited about it.
The only issue is that the box did not come with any hardware or instructions except some springs. I think it might use stock hardware, but just curious.
Has anyone installed carpenter pipes before that...
When I bought my 2007 R3 Classic I also purchased a Dynojet tuner to remedy the exhaust popping when decelerating. With running a 13 to 1 fuel ratio the engine made 123.58 hp and 132.99 maximum torque with stock air filter and mufflers.
Now that I installed the 3 into 2 exhaust is it...
I have two LH and one RH Roadster TORS exhaust silencers (mufflers). I bought them from a guy that bought out the left over stock from a Triumph dealership that closed. These are all three new - but have a minor scratch or ding on them from laying on a shelf in a warehouse a bit too long. I'm...
Received my Dain exhaust today and spent a whole 30 minutes installing it. What an awesome setup! Everything fit perfect and it sounds great! I feel like I'm relearning how to ride it now since it is so powerful. Serious bump in HP. Wow wow wow! I highly recommend it. Dain's customer...
Hello, Just got a new 2015 R3 and looking for a new exhaust system. Prefer loud. Finding very few options on line. Also, accessories in general (saddle bags, fairings) seem hard to find. Anyone have a good source?
Anybody out there ever put roadster exhaust on a standard r3? I really like the roadster pipe look and am curious as to what it takes if its do-able. Thanks, Jim
Hi All,
Just wanting to know which and where to buy the best free flowing link pipe for my 2010 roadster. Cost is Fourth to quality, performance and looks.
They must connect to stock headers and TORS.
I live in Australia but can order anywhere depending on whats best.
I saw this one online...
After trying to purchase a small diameter stainless steel header, I am thinking about having one fabricated locally. I need the header flanges to weld the primaries to, but cannot find any. Does anyone know if the header flanges off the Triumph Sprint or the Speed Triple will fit the Rocket...
I have become rather fed up of "synthetic" bike pants melting onto the rear header. And the other day ended up with the beginnings of a burn in my right calf wearing perforated (Vanson Road Rider) leather pants. I've already added foil backed fibreglass heat shield to one set of pants . but it...
I have a nearly new set of 2013 OEM exhaust pipes from a Tourer for sale. They look almost pristine except some very minor (and I mean very minor) blemishes. These would never be pointed out by someone looking at your bike and would most likely only be noticed by the one polishing them. The...
Hi every one
The tors on my rocket 111 need replacing Ive had no success finding a replacement system at a reasonable cost Jardine £1800 Zard over £1200 spoke to the guy in kent who made the sidewinders and he said he no longer makes them. Does anybody Know of anyone in the Northwest of UK
Just removed from my rocket. This would be the full exhaust from the heads to the tips. No mounting bolts or gaskets included as these were used with the new exhaust.
Pictures can be emailed if interested.
Thank you for the welcome note on the forum.....There are not many rocket 3 bikes here in ireland and knowledge is thin on the ground.
I am looking for your advice on the setup I have on my bike.
2014 Roadster
Tors pipes, standard headers and intake filter system.
Map loaded is a 20776
im changing out my pipes to another set of Triumph pipes that fit and bolt on the same way. No headers are being changed.
Removing was easy. I hit a snag.
If you've done this there are two bolts toward the rear of the pipe that go from the inside into a mount on the pipe itself. The nuts fit...