1. garygene351

    Ripped Off? Blown Engine?

    Hello from NY, I would appreciate opinions. Brought my 2010 R3R to a local shop to have PCV w/auto tune and Gpro with ATRE installed and dyno'd. Got my bike back with valve cover leak (you can see gasket not in place). Oil is leaking bad from valve cover and heavy smoke/blow-by from crank...
  2. engine light on

    have 06 r3 have taken out air intake system above engine and fitted 3 k & n filters now when i start the bike up the engine light won't go out. Not sure what I have done, any help please would be much appreciated:confused:
  3. RevT55

    Seeing spots! (on my engine block and plastic)

    Have noticed some spots on my engine block and on black plastic around bike, that doesnt seem to want to come off. My R3 is garaged, but I live in a town that has cement plants. Thought at first they might be lime deposits from puddles around town. However, they could have come from highway...
  4. TuneECU Guide (when ok to start engine)

    Help, the tuneECU user's guide says to start with key on - kill switch on - engine off. However, it does not state when it is safe to start the engine, when performing the DIAGNOSTIC and TEST functions. I know if you happen to start a car while DTC's are being read you can cause major problems.
  5. engine cuts out

    I have a recurring problem with my rocket, for no apparent reason it will just drop out the fuel pick up and totally shutdown. It will do this totally randomly,i believe the fault is in the bottom plug to the ECU because it will reboot and pick up the fuel and go as it should if i reach down...
  6. seeya

    engine noise and vibration?? help

    running a 07 classic I have a noise and vibration on decel @ 1600 down to about 1200 rpm. Sounds like a howling, I can feel vibration in the floor boards, rear shocks, mostly left, in the swing arm up to the engine. If I put my hand on the engine where the shaft goes in I really can't feel any...
  7. motolink

    Engine oil drain bolts.

    I am ready for the first oil change and filter change on my Roadster and cont get back to the dealer just yet. Which sump botls drain the oil correctly and in ther any other special instructions.
  8. DaddyRabbit

    Engine Guards

    Does anyone know if Edestahl V4A guards are available here in the states?
  9. tdragger

    Engine Guards and Coolant Bottle Relocation

    Six months or so ago, I fitted a Weapon-R 24 oz coolant recovery bottle to the backside of the radiator and it fit great. Unfortunately, I just fitted Triumph engine dresser bars (crash bars) and the previous location for the coolant bottle is no longer available. My thoughts are to somehow...
  10. Fixitbaz

    Engine Temperature Sender Unit Location

    Can someone tell me the location of the engine temperature sender unit on my 2006 R3. I have looked in the manual and all over the engine but can't see one :confused::confused::confused: I know there must be one so where is it. I have a problem with the over temp indicator showing constantly...
  11. Fixitbaz

    Over Temperature Indicator & Engine Management light

    My Over Temperature Indicator & Engine Management light is on but the R3 is not running hot :confused::confused::confused: Even when the R3 is stone cold when I start it the over temp warning and the engine management light is on also the cooling fan is running. I have tested the R3 with an...
  12. Jim/Maine

    Engine stumbling

    Just had my 500 mile service and mentioned to the dealer that there was a fairly significant stumble, surge, and otherwise not smooth engine run in the low to mid 2,000 rpm range, most noticeable in first and second gear. Sometimes I hear what sounds as a internal clank like a chain noise. So...
  13. Lack of engine braking Roadster

    have a late 2010 Roadster with onlu 4500kms on the clock, and it seems to lack engine braking when heading for a corner.................by this I mean when I shut the throttle off it seems to hold it's rev's up, without slowing much at all A bit un-nerving when flying into a corner and then...
  14. rocketeer

    Looking for an engine

    While passing a car on a mountain pass, my transmission broke. I made it to the shoulder and as I tried to downshift, my rear wheel locked entirely. I just got the word from the shop that they started the diagnosis and found many pieces of gears in the lower part of the engine. They say it may...
  15. Akita Man

    Rivco Engine Guard Mounts

    Has anyone tried to mount one of these (Rivco Engine Guard Mount) to the factory foot peg rails/mounts on a std Rocket at the foremost area of the rail where it is perpendicular to the engine (in front of the foot brake and shifter)? It would be a neat and tidy way to install a highway peg...
  16. TriumPhil

    No, Not railroad engineers, Hellfire

    It's that time of year again... my riding time is up! Enjoy: how unemployed engineers open their window shades in the morning... http://www.chilloutzone.de/files/player.swf?b=10&l=197&u=ILLUMllSOOAvIF//P_LxP92A42lCHCeeWCejXnHAS/c
  17. UK : Advice needed - blown engine

    First off, as a member of another bike site (bonnevilleamerica.com) I know it's a pain if same old threads crop up so apologies if this has been done to death ... I have owned my '08 R3 from new and it has only 8134 miles on it. At about 3500 miles it developed a gear change problem (hence the...
  18. Engine wanted for replacement

    Hi guys Par (Nussekudden) just broke the crankshaft (!!??!!) on his R3 with turbo So now he's looking for an replacement engine Anyone out there who knows where to find one? Insurance companies? Ebay? Others? Please give us tips on: nickehild@gmail.com
  19. Engine light

    I just removed the secondaries and now my engine light came on, is this normal? At first it wouldn't start but smoothed out, now in the progress of 12 minute tune. Will the light go out?
  20. PhillyRoc

    Engine Light After Removing Secondaries

    Hello fellow rocketeers, just want to send a warning to all of the newbies like myself :confused:about removing the secondary butterflies. The information given on this subject (secondary removal) is 100 percent accurate. It will take you an hour for twenty minutes of work if you keep the stock...