Hi all,
So I installed the Triumph fuel gauge and clock. Fuel gauge is working other than the obvious flaw of its complete inaccuracy. Will likely do the fuel tank mod at some future point. Problem is that the clock and now my tachometer have decided to stop functioning. The backlight for...
What I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to wire a relay into the brakelight activation circuit so that I can wire my saddlebag lights as working brake lights without drawing too much energy from the OEM brakelight. I want the OEM brakelight to still work even if I don't have the saddlebages attached...
I recently had a couple of electrical problems come up. First my neutral indicator only comes on occasionally. This keeps me from being able to start the bike and let it warm up while I get my gear on, unless I want to sit and hold the bike up. Next, every time I wash it the check engine...
How much accessory lighting, heated clothing, etc. can safely be added to a bone stock 2007 Classic Tourer?
I am an electrical dufous and would appreciate what ver help people can offer.
A couple of days ago the fuse that controls the turn signals & diagnostic cable blew. I replaced it. It blew again after a couple blinks of the turn signal. Before this started happening I had placed the diagnostic cable in what looked like a "parking place" for it. There is a bracket to the...
HeR3tic wanted to know where it would be most convienient to hook into the stock wiring harness to install an aftermarket horn, so I did a little digging around.
I turns out that the horn is activated by a switchable ground, which means that 12 volts is supplied at all times to the horn when...
Everyone with a Rocket should take a few minutes to check out a possible problem with the power relay holders located behind the left side cover, beneath the seat. (the cover with the Rocket logo on it) Check the relay holders for cracking and splitting which could lead to the relays comming...