
  1. ozrider

    Intermittent electrical issue

    Here's a Curley one for you, Happened a few times now, turn key on and no gauge sweep, lights & horn work but no starter. I've had the ignition switch apart and it's like brand new, got EB fitted, earth cable etc etc done Could it be a relay? Cheers for your input
  2. TheKid

    Electrical issues

    2010 R III touring schematic. The repair manual I have lists the ECM connector as three rows. It also says it's for the touring. This is wrong. My bike uses 2 connectors that are two rowed each. I am hoping to find someone that has the two rowed connector identification numbers. Thanks, Ken By...
  3. britman

    Electrical gurus to the front of the line

    Here is the scenario, 2005 Rocket with the Eastern Beaver headlight kit installed years ago. Within the last year or so the headlights will either have a delay in coming on, or between high and low beam. It can be very short or up to a couple of seconds. Does it intermittently, hot or cold...
  4. Gregger

    Electrical Theory By Joseph Lucas

    For those of you that owned an early BSA or Triumph..... brings back memories :) Have fun! ELECTRICAL THEORY BY JOSEPH LUCAS Positive ground depends on proper circuit functioning, which is the transmission of negative ions by retention of visible spectral manifestation know as "smoke"...
  5. electrical

    hi i have a 2010 rocket roadster, the other day i took a ride stopped and got a pop, went to start it again and it was dead as a doornail. New battery , checked all fuses , rechecked battery connections...nothing, all i have is the brake light and turn signals. The mods to the bike are some led...
  6. Joesmoe

    What is the goop on the electrical connections ?

    I installed the McCruise cruise control, and the Eastern Beaver headlight relay bypass along with his 50A auxiliary fuse box, and in breaking an remaking a number of connections, I note the connections for the most part are coated with some grease-like substance. What is it ?

    Electrical gremlin and oil leak

    I am still looking for the electrical gremlin but my oil leak is back. Thought it was corrected (pinched o ring) and some loose valve cover screws. It may have been overfilled with oil at the shop. How much too full will cause a leak? If so, where does it come out? I can't find where it is...
  8. grizzdan

    Electrical Question

    Im finishing up installing my EB fusebox the last thing I need to do is hook the relay to a switched wire. The wire I want to use is a unused plug that can be seen in the manual under the three relays on page 18.26. It is switched power but I don't know what its for would this be a good place to...
  9. nolton

    Electrical connectors (wire harnesses)

    Anyone know where Triumph gets their connectors made? I am looking for all wire harnesses for the Rocket. Mass quantity!! YES I am up to something !!!!!!!!!!!:cool:
  10. major electrical gremlins post handlebar change

    changed the 05 classic handlebar last night.The new stock handlebar appeared to be a little narrow and had to meddle with throttle cables to install the handlebar. Post the handle bar change >engine stalls(literally dies when holding the throttle) >IDL stepper &(throttle sesone i think ,located...
  11. BigAl52

    Electrical fault?

    went for a really nice ride today to support the wife with the Biggest Morning Tea she had arranged at the resort she manages. Got to within about 5 k's back to town after an uneventful 150k's and the blue highbeam light came on, flicked the switch a couple of times with no response then the...
  12. 1olbull

    Electrical Drongo Needs Help

    I have a 2012 R3R. 1) Would I benefit from a Eastern Beaver H4 Dual Relay Kit for Rocket III w/Lo Cut? 2) Does it come with DETAILED instructions specific to the Rocket Roadster? Gratitude, 1olbull PS: How the heck does one make the thread title BOLD? :confused:
  13. Electrical conections for accessories ? Cannot find information in owners handbook.

    Wires to connect electrical accessories ? Not direct to battery ,new sound system, want it to turn of with ignition.anybody help?
  14. Diagnosing Electrical Short - Assistance Needed

    '05 R3 - Jars, K&N's, TB etc. I used to blow 30A fuse once a year but lately it has gotten much worse and I lost tail light fuse and blew the license plate bulb and idle is crap so I have no choice but to resolve this. Fuse Melted last go round so I spliced in an in-line 30A holder. I...
  15. kingmerle

    need electrical help fast

    My mech. needs help ASAP. We are trying to locate the plug which attaches to the spare lighting circuit. I'm adding front running light and want to use the spare handlebar light switch. Bikes apart and I can't ride till we find the connection.
  16. RatBoy

    Tail Light Electrical Gremlin... Help Wanted

    To All, I'm having a wierd issue with the running light portion of the stock brake light. The running light portion doesn't work, but it illuminates properly when the brakes are applied. I've checked the fuses, none blown. I've changed out the bulb for a new one, just purchased. I've checked...
  17. Electrical/Other Problems

    After a bad get-off last November, I am looking at getting a new bike. I had a 2007 Rocket before, looking at a Thunderbird now. Does the Thunderbird have the same problem with burning out ignition switches as the Rocket? Any other serious issues anyone is seeing? I have done some...
  18. daviswnd11

    Unhook Rear Fender Electrical

    I am going to have my 09 RC3 repainted so I have started taking off the rear fender. I have taken all the bolts and screws out now I have to figure out the best way to unhook the wiring. It looks like there are four wire bundles going under the fender. What is the best way to approach unhooking...
  19. Electrical Help Request

    Planning to hard-wire a GPS, radar detector & a phone charger into my R3 Classic, each with an in-line fuse & quick detach BNC connectors. Any suggestions as to where best to tap into the electrical system? Also, would like to tap all 3 into the same location if possible. There is a zero chance...
  20. Grumpy_Rocket

    Any ideas for electrical related items/small mods you want?

    Since I work 4days on 4 off, I have a lot of free time to do stuff. Starting in 6 days I am going to be tearing my new rocket apart to build up the motor. While I have the bike apart I will be doing some custom things. Which leads me to the question, do any of you have ideas for electrical...