Having a terminal condition ( well, I am alive after all ;):D), temptation got to me after not getting a reply from Dave Gill re listing his new RHS and LHS bearclaws on his far cheaper Rocke's Patches site rather than eBay. He posts items cheaper at Rocke's Patches with no eBay fees and postage...
****** Highest bidder as of Feb 28 10:12pm EST is $175 USD by Dealer **********
What: Up for AUCTION is a custom Triumph Rocket seat. With 1/2" medical polymer (not gel).
When: Auction ends February 28, 2018, midnight EST
How: Highest bidder wins - No minimum. Winner pays shipping cost (based...
Trying to make custom heat shields for a 2" curved header pipe with a 3.5" center line radius. Figured I would go with a 2.25" curved pipe. Does that sound about right? Also does anyone know what CLR is needed to follow the outside contour of the pipe?
Been thinking of getting a set of custom headers an pipes , any help on brands ? What’s good or bad about them , CES from QLD or Viking from NZ . Both around the same price , could go the Carpenter but shipping would be a killer and dollar exchange.
hi guys! just joined the forum :)
i recently bought a street triple r 09' with 24600km. im the second owner. the first one, replaced the stock exhaust with an italian HP Corse Hydroform. im so glad he did. great looks and even better sound! in addition, i replaced the stock filter with a K&N...
Finally - for those asking to hear this system.
RevsRocket3-3 by RevRoss posted Dec 6, 2017 at 2:42 PM
All I know about its provenance is what evanr passed onto me when I bought them - "It is a one-off made by Sam of Predator fame and comprises 1.75" pipes black ceramic coated and internally...
I'm looking for a suitable map for my dads rocket 3 roadster 2011, with Dave Platt exhausts and cat replacement pipe, to use with tune ecu cable and android app. I have found 2 on there website but not sure whether they will be suitable, ( 20226map.hex and 22028map.hex )
Any help or info would...
Hey guys. I ran across something that I haven't seen before at my local bike mechanic's shop.I was getting a dyno pull after I installed my DP exhaust and RamAir to see what the AFR looked like. Running super rich!!!
He has a storage area that has bikes A-Z that are waiting for parts or some...
I was "surfing" tonight, and stumbled on this website, not sure if it's been posted up here before, (apologies if it has been)
They have some nice stuff, a bit pricey but still some nice stuff.
MSG Special Parts - Special Parts by MSG Motorrad
I have an 06 Rocket # Custom that i recently purchased, the stock seat is very uncomfortable, i take long trips and need something good without spending a thousand dollars. Anyone have suggestions, other than Mustang and Corbin, which are both very expensive.I had an Ultimate on my last bike, i...
I’ve spent WAY too much time trying to come up with a fun/humorous/witty license plate for the new Roadster. I love plates that have a double meaning. So many are already taken here in Michigan, so I have to get creative. I can only us 5 digits.
So far, I had (what I think was) my best idea...
Fellow Rocketeers,
Have any of you bought and installed the Dave Platt Short Custom Pipes with the Cat delete crossover? Reason for asking is I'm wondering if anyone has had any problems with the fitting and alignment of the pipes and more importantly the alignment of the slash cut on LHS pipe?
I'm looking into making a custom air box and need someone that actually knows what their talking about( so that rules me out) if they could advise me on what is the smallest K&N filter with a 3" flange size I could use would something like K&N RX-2820 be any good for example.Thanks
I am making a batch of these overflow containers.
316 Stainless Steel, available in polished, powdered black or Raw....
Price is $250 AUD + Shipping
Comes with replacement hose also (in black) from the radiator to container and from container to under bike - Overflow.
Shipping to USA is $50 AUD...