1. talkriver

    HP Corse Custom Exhaust

    My mate fabricated joint pipe himself then installed HP Corse exhaust on his R3R as attached photo. Since he didn't like its sound once he run the bike, he is considering extra modification right now.
  2. Normen

    Custom Luggage Rack + Pelicase

    I can only post 10 pictures in 1 thread - for the building i will start another thread Some Infos: custom luggage rack out of 8mm aluminium, pulver coated Pelicase im2200 (only one next to the 1450 which grips a wide enough) Electronic lock - opens only with ignition (no more fumble on...
  3. New custom luggage rack

    What do you ya reckon fellas…. I’m on a winner ? 🤣👍 Can’t beat the old milk crate
  4. tino19625

    Triumph Custom Parts - Rocket 3 R & GT Exhaust

    I searched for this Triumph Custom Parts exhaust and didn't find it, sorry if it's out there - but it's not so bad looking and pretty straight forward if anyone still in search of changing out their exhaust.
  5. RJ Kegley

    Need PCV map for DP custom, crossover and Ramair

    Howdy fellas. Looking for a map to burn the storage gas out and get me to the tuner after I install the DP double customs (full length), crossover pipe and Ramair. Mr. Dougal is a 2017 R3R. From what I'm reading on here, a Ramair/TORS map should get it close. Once I get it custom tuned, I'll...
  6. johnseva

    Home install of custom windscreen on a R3R 2021

    Hi. Anyone know if there is instructions or a kind of guide on how to install by yourself, at home, the windscreen sold by Triumph? Seems to be easy as there is 4 torx screws of a given ...
  7. Choptop

    Custom front rim ?

    Motor Bike trike conversion, replaced 18" rear rims/wheels w/22", looking for appx 19" front rim, any suggestions ? Thanks in advance.
  8. Boog

    Not an R3 but truly a custom mod; Bug Fen

    I saw this today and was amazed at the skill and imagination some people have. i enjoyed this on several levels.
  9. Pauls999

    White Rocket 3r Custom Paint & Seat

    This is my response to Triumphs "limited Edition" you can have any colour you like so long as it's black Rocket. (not really it been it's the making a long before they were announced) After a few months of waiting for stuff to be done because of lockdowns it's finally finished :) , my black...
  10. SleepyOwl

    Considering having my GT custom painted but where to start!

    Im finding the grey a bit " sensible" to look at and considering getting a paintjob done on it. I cant decide what colour or if I want any detailing on the tank. My best I can come up with at present is the Matt Iron which looks good on the bobber. Too many choices! Any suggestions?
  11. Ishrub

    T100 carb '8-Ball' custom tank covers.

    GBP250 on eBay
  12. Pottedmeatpony

    Custom tune on my 2020 R dyno sheet

    Anybody put a custom map on their Rocket? I got one from dnk tuneworks. Just ran it on the dyno 177 rwhp 154 ftlb torque and now have 100% throttle in all gears really woke the bike up. Can not wait to find an exhaust and intake I like. Not much of a torque curve just a straight line from 3000...
  13. digitaldavemcse

    Florida Rocket 3r Custom

    Introducing myself to the Rocket 3 r community. Nice to meet y'all!!
  14. Kojack1970

    Custom Sculpted Fly Screens

    Just stumbled on this today and the examples are pretty amazing. Nothing on pricing though. http://www.custom-sculpt.com/customscreens.htm
  15. chris haentjens

    My adventures in a custom exhaust

    So, I've been wanting a louder exhaust and as you all know there is no options....well one now at competition werkes. But the 1100 price tag for a simple slip on is extremely high. They priced themselves right out of my business. I do love the way the factory exhaust looks. I recently removed...
  16. vzrDean1800

    O2 sensor turned off in custom tunes, why?

    Hi All, Ive noticed when I download custom tunes for the rocket, then look at them using tuneecu, most have the O2 sensor turned off! Even the tunes using factory exhaust with TORs. Anyone know why? I'm new to the rocket, but trying to learn all I can. Thanks,
  17. Ishrub

    Factory Triumph rider's backrest with custom made R3 Roadster Solo seat mount.

    Factory Triumph rider's backrest A9708160 with custom made R3 Roadster Solo seat mount. Utopia do a similar bracket mount for their backrest but it still requires the pillion seat bracket to be fitted. The beauty of this one is you can use the same rider's backrest for your R3 Roadster Solo...
  18. Ishrub

    Factory rider's backrest with custom Roadster Solo seat mount.

    Factory Triumph rider's backrest A9708160 with custom made R3 Roadster Solo seat mount. Utopia do a similar bracket mount for their backrest but it still requires the pillion seat bracket to be fitted. The beauty of this one is you can use the same rider's backrest for your R3 Roadster Solo...
  19. DaSmee

    Custom Silencers / TORS?

    Anyone got any experience with Custom Silencers / TORS? I'd like to modify the sound of my RT3, been searching the usual places, but to no avail, any custom makers out there? Thanks Nigel
  20. CamaroCarl

    Custom seat

    Really like my Corbin seat, but since I changed my rear fender to the shorter fiberglass one I didn't feel like it looked right. Would like to get a Corbin fastgun or solo seat instead of the touring seat (wife doesn't really ever ride with me anymore), but hate to spend the $500 for a new one...