1. Rick McC.

    A "New to Me" Corbin Seat

    I got the opportunity to pick up a lightly used Corbin seat for my R3R, and put it on the Rocket yesterday. I did a quick test drive yesterday afternoon, and, although it feels very "hard" compared to the stock seat, I like the way that it feels. It seems to me that with the Corbin seat, I'm...
  2. Franks Rocket III

    For Sale Corbin "Batwing" Fairing

    Corbin "Batwing" Fairing-Black off my 2011 Rocket III Roadster. New they are $1600. For sale at $800.

    Corbin Beetle Bags 2012 Roadster Phantom Black

    I ordered these bags through my dealer on September 4th. Corbin states "Corbin's Beetle Bags come pre-painted to coordinate with your factory paint job so they're ready to install right out of the box." Corbin was advised that the bike was a 2012 Roadster Phantom Black. The bags were shipped...

    Want to Buy Corbin bags

    Looking for Corbin Beetles.
  5. JackG

    Corbin hard bags

    My '06 Rocket Classic came with unattached Corbin hard bags and are missing two of the mounting bolts. I called Corbin and Triumph with no luck. Also, their is a support bracket for each that I cannot figure how it attaches. Does anyone have these bolts and/or directions on how to mount. I...
  6. johnreeder

    For Sale Corbin Fairing for R3T

    Corbin fairing (black) for R3T in excellent condition $700 shipped to lower 48 states.
  7. RonBou

    Corbin Seat

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this BUT I have a Corbin seat that I had bought new and only had on my Tour for 200 miles. The seat is like new. I wound up suddenly trading my Rocket in on a Victory and was able to save the seat. I paid $823 for it with shipping and am...
  8. MiniSuperDuke

    Rivco Risers + Corbin Fleetliner Fairing

    All this talk about risers is making me want to improve my ride position. I have an 2011 Roadster with a corbin fleetliner fairing already fitted. Anybody know if the fairing will fit back on after the risers are installed. The Corbin site says it will, but would like to hear from someone...
  9. BigBlockRocket

    Corbin seat

    Anyone out there have any experience with the Young Guns seat from Corbin on the Rocket? Looks badass on the R3R and is supposed of good quality.
  10. TheMadScientist

    Long Haul seat vs Corbin Dual tour

    Anyone have experience with either or both? I will be buying a more comfortable seat and don't want to waste money on the wrong seat.
  11. Loanstar

    Corbin + D&D - Decision time

    Hey, Well, after mulling it over for a year and locating a local Corbin dealer I think I want to get the Beetles. The only problem is I have a D&D slip-on exhaust and neither Corbin or D&D can tell me if these will fit. As you can imagine, the dealer needs a deposit to order the bags but...
  12. Not impressed with Corbin as a company

    Over the phone I ordered a seat about three weeks ago. I asked that they not ship it until 7/23/12 as I was out of town. As of tonight no shipping confirmation, or have I been charged for it. I won't bother to check with them about it. I'll just move on. I'll probably just get some height assist...
  13. Corbin Seat Key Mount How-to

    Just purchased a Corbin Dual Tour for my 05 Rocket. Only thing I didn't like was the Corbin seat mount, was a 1/4" on one side and a 1/2" on the other side from lining up. After reading others posts, here and elsewear, I decided to attach the factory seat post to the Corbin seat. 1. Drilled out...
  14. TxRIIIRider

    Corbin Fleetliner Questions

    For those of you who have Corbin Fleetliner fairings, I have a few questions. First, I've ridden with Triumph's Roadster screen and the main bad thing I notice is that when at a stop or moving slow, the screen catches all the heat rising from the radiator and throws it right in your lap...
  15. wanted corbin young gun

    anyone happen to have a black young gun they no longer want.i have a triumph gel seat and want to try the lower corbin.would work out a trade or buy depending on price. thanks for reading, vulcan141
  16. Corbin Dual Tour

    Anybody here have one? Is it worth almost $700?
  17. Corbin or Russell?

    I am going to Maggie Valley this coming spring, as some of you know, and I look forward to meeting you all. I have noticed that the factory seat tends to suck after about 70 miles. I know this will probably wind up like every other thread. The guys who have a Corbin touring seat will swear by...
  18. Molinoman

    Corbin heated seat

    Removed my Triumph Long Haul seat with backrest this afternoon and reinstalled my Corbin heated seat. The difference this time was that I hooked up the heat this time (didn't need it originally, and eventually removed it while I was doing my "traveling") and amazingly enough...it worked. I...
  19. Nungers

    Corbin Seat

    I want a Corbin seat for the R3R. Anybody in Oz bought a corbin and where did you get it. I have tried to order one from the US but Corbin will not accept my order, I am told to go through the Oz agent, but there is no agent that I can find. Kenmar used to be the agent but they gave it away...
  20. Corbin "Young Guns"

    Has anyone mounted this saddle? It looks wicked, but I was just wondering if anyone could give feedback on it.