My clutch has been giving me fits lately. It all started when both the clutch lifter shaft and lifter piece broke. Those parts have been replaced but then the clutch would not completely dis-engage and would drag some even with the clutch lever pulled in all the way, and there was also no way...
My 2018 Triumph Rocket 3 Roadster, when shifting from 2nd gear to first gear, makes a weird whirring sound followed by a clacking/clunking sound and some slight jerkiness as it slows to a stop. I took it to the dealer shop for it's 10k maintenance and I asked them to test ride it so they can see...
Hello everyone 🖐
Below is my personal experience about motorcycle riding for the past 5 years, and my learning journey with the rocket. My questions are highlighted in bold, and if anyone can answer them, please do so, as I am still learning.
I've been riding my Rocket 3 Roadster 2018 for 4...
I'm riding a 2004 R3. Done only 34,000 Kms
I've noticed the clutch has developed a shudder when I take off.
Has anyone experienced this and what advice can you offer
were does idem part number 23 go and its place on the reassembly per the factory triumph manual I HAVE,,its called a spacer clutch assembly part number T1172727,,i got everything thing else and identified there placements per the manual on the tranmission output shalf,,but this spacer needs to...
I have a 2006 rocket 3 and the clutch pull arm broke and put a mark/groove in the pressure plate so after reading a few comments on here I ordered from fowlers the pull arm, thrust bearing, washers,pressure plate, and a new arm to go to the cable.
I ordered the newer pull arm and got sent the...
I hate having to pull the clutch in when starting the bike...anyone have any knowledge on how to disable this? Is it possible, or is this something you can do with TuneECU maybe?
This is for the new 2.5l Rocket 3 btw...
Hi all, been a while since!
I have recently "burnt out" my clutch (2007 Classic). the friction plates are well below thickness, so I ordered a new set of EBC, eventually!
At the moment they're like rocking horse excrement, so I was pleased to find some, & a set of EBC stronger springs.
I would...
I think I remember posts a few years ago referencing Suzuki Hyabusa clutch springs being very strong upgrades for Rockets and of a par or better than Barnetts HD ones.
The stock Triumph ones were not very impressive apparently and the common aftermarket clutch kit providers were not much if...
Good Day Everyone, after around 300 miles I've noticed that my 2021 Rocket 3 is hard to launch from a stop. Almost as if the clutch engages too soon and engine stalls... When 1st test driving it 1st time I didn’t have this problem and while its warming up it drives well… Once its been running...
I need help on the engagement at the bottom of the clutch cable. I had fixed it an now I have nothing again. I am adjusted almost all the way to the bottom of the screw set so now what...
Do I move the cable end lower or higher in order for it to engage oroperly?
Guys I need to pick your brains, ive got a r3r, 2588 ks on the issue is im getting the clutch slipping badly...but....only when the bike warms up, cold it's no issue but at the moment I'm on the side of the rd waiting for it and me to cool down. I've installed penners unrestricted...
I’ve noticed a slight bark in the clutch on take off just as it picks up the bite in first, it’s not constant and doesn’t matter if she’s hot or cold, I can feel the bark through the lever and it repeatable but not consistently, shifting isn’t effected. Anyone else experience similar, she has...
Hello all
I have a 2021 Rocket due for its first service, however I have noticed more than a few times the engine dies when changing down coming up to traffic lights etc, starts no worries, but is a bit of a worry. The bike idles quite well normally.
I have a 2014 R3T. I just converted it to a trike. The wife rides also. Problem is that the lever setup for the T is set to far out for her hands. She has to take her hand off the handle bars to get at the levers. I have tried every source. No adjustable levers for the "T"s. Lots for the...
The stock levers are to far out from the handlebar. My wife says she can not ride until we can get them in closer. I am 6ft 3 with big hands and find it is a reach for me also.
Found out the hard way that the Roadster and touring models have much different levers. Can find for Roadster but...
Hi All
This is my 1st rocket in my 23 bikes owned over many many years.
I have searched tirelessly through the service manual on how to take out the clutch switch but nothing on how this is done.
Can anyone tell me how to do this please.