
  1. Tbone

    Carpenter 240 dyno question

    Asking for a friend(the little one that looks like a devil and sits on my shoulder). What is a realistic HP number from a Carpenter 240 kit with Carp exhaust? I'm hearing varying numbers.
  2. leatal

    Carpenter Intake scoop

    Finally completed the modified scoop. As soon as my painter gets well, I’ll have it painted to match bike or maybe match it to the radiator shroud. Not sure which will look better.
  3. beachpatrick

    2013 R3R Tune – K&N Triple Filters & Carpenter Pipe

    2013 R3R with triple K&N filters and Carpenter Pipe. Closest Tune ECU map for baseline? Bike also has PCV. Need a map for this as well. Anyone out there willing to share something close? Cable will be here late this week. Want to get the two maps loaded, then dyno to make adjustments. I...
  4. R-III-R Turbo

    Rocket III Carpenter Racing side badges available

    Ok so following on from my custom made 2500cc Rocket III side panel badge, @Jvheli had the idea of getting them made with Carpenter Racing logo on them. We can supply these for £20 each + shipping if anyone is interested Comes ready stick on with high quality 3M adhesive on the rear We asked...
  5. Jvheli

    My Carpenter 240 build

    Not sure if there is any interest in following my project, but hey, its winter here in the midwest USA so this beats reading the awful news right?! Thanks to @Claviger ,@warp9.9 , @R-III-R Turbo, @Steel for answering questions as I was considering and now doing this to my bike. What a great...
  6. R-III-R Turbo

    Carpenter Racing Turbo Rocket

    Will it ever happen? I hope so. Looking at this pic, I'm wondering can that setup be fitted into a Rocket chassis. Yank out the stock air filter box and you might have room for the turbo on Roadster etc with the ABS box below. If battery could be relocated you'd have ample space. Intake filter...
  7. R-III-R Turbo

    How To: Fit Carpenter Racing 210/240/265hp Kit (Inc. Dialling In Cams)

    Following a few requests from fellow captains recently – not so much of an unofficial “how to”, as it is just a documentation of “how I did it” (took me a solid week the first time) This is in NO WAY a substitute for the expert guidance of Bob Carpenter & his boys. You need to be at least very...
  8. Danvitt

    Any tunes for carpenter setups with ramair?

    Hey all, will be looking to add the ramair and carpenter pipes to my 2013 R3R. Browsing through the resources I haven't found anything except maybe one for the CES pipes. Does any one have a tune that would work or could maybe share a recommendation?
  9. Hello from TN via Berlin,NJ

    Good day all! I wanted to say greetings from Tennessee by way of Berlin, NJ! I have been in the background of this forum for a while, trying to soak up all the combined years of knowledge and experience you all share; and I have to say that I really appreciate and value the advice and wisdom you...
  10. cbeaman22

    Need a good tune and running out of options.

    Hey guys, Ive literally hit brick wall after brick wall with this. Got a 15 roadster with a sidewinder and triple K&N. Bought a basic Tuneboy tune which is nowhere close to what the bike needs. Ive contacted carpenter and got a tune which seems to be not compatible so I cant use with the Tuneboy...
  11. cbeaman22

    Tuneboy tune for carpenter

    Hey guys, I am looking for a tuneboy tune for my 15 roadster with a carpenter exhaust, triple K&N under the claw and secondaries removed. The roadster tune that came with it is giving me quite the popping.
  12. Ishrub

    Carpenter head plate image?

    I have searched w/o success, who has posted a photo already and location of the plate please? @scot in exile , @warp9.9 , @Steel etc
  13. Claviger

    Carpenter Starting Issue

    I'll keep this as short as I can. Carpenter Kit DEcosse Ignition Yusa Battery that tests good 1.2kw starter Extra 4 gauge ground cable installed Temps have been low 40s in the morning. Have the bike on a charger overnight, battery measures at 13.4 volts resting. When I hit the switch it tries...
  14. Tbone

    Any body have a Paul Bryant exhaust and a Carpenter kit?

    Any body have a Paul Bryant exhaust and a Carpenter kit?
  15. Jvheli

    Great video ft Carpenter Rocket

    Not sure if the owner is on this forum, but I enjoyed the video. He even does the Rocket proud running against a Hellcat!
  16. Steel

    Heatshields for Carpenter Pipe

    Took a couple of pictures of Art's @imfastoo's exhaust. The heatshields are generic 10.5" heatshields with the curved end, from China. They're $10 on eBay. I think they fit well, and look like they were made for that pipe.
  17. Steel

    Swapped bikes today

    Finally got to pick up my Roadster from Carpenter Racing today. While there, I dropped off the Classic for a pipe and tune. Bob Carpenter tuning the Roadster. I'll be up here a few days. Guess who's house im staying at. Here's a hint.:whitstling:
  18. kcc11

    Calling all Carpenter Captain's

    I just purchased MarvinM's Carpenter Rocket. It is a 2012 with 4100 miles on her now. I have only been able to put a few hundred miles on it so far. Need to replace both tires and change the oil. Also need a list of accessories to match my well used 2005 ( which I am keeping ). I have some...
  19. sunsettt

    For Sale Carpenter Sidewinder Exhaust

    I am selling a Carpenter Sidewinder Exhaust(black), used for 2 months. I am selling because I prefer the look of dual exhaust so I replaced the original header with TOR's I paid $1,400 will sell for $900 plus shipping
  20. Jesse

    For Sale 2012 Carpenter Rocket III 240/265 OBO

    Hey everybody! My bike was built by Carpenter Racing in August '17. Originally meant to be a 265+ kit but the head Bob milled had a defect. So, he put a 240+ head on it and gave me some money back. So what I've got is a motor with the lower half of a 265 kit and the upper half of a 240 kit that...