
  1. The Kiwi

    Saddlebag support brackets

    Help!! I have done the usual searches on this site and others, and have wound up a little confused!! Doesn't take much these days!!!! I have bought some throw-over Saddle bags and they fit beautifully under the seat bracket, but I need a set of brackets to hold the bags clear of the shocks...
  2. easy brackets

    well i have had my roadster for about 6 weeks now, and just got my saddle bags in with the easy brackets that i ordered. everything looks great but.... the front bolt for one of the brackets evedently isnt straight its canted slightly upwards. Im thinking of pulling the stuff off the fender...
  3. Corbin Fleetliner for sale with brackets, storage etc

    Hello Gents. Selling mine on Flea Bay. Just going for a different look on the bike. cheers
  4. Macrider

    R3 lift brackets

    I remember reading somewhere that you can buy or make lifting brackets that bolt onto the 2 holes in the frame. Anyone have a link to that or a design I can use to weld up my own? These brackets would need to go on a regular Harbour freight MC lift. I am really wary of lifting the bike by the...
  5. British Customs Turn Signal Relocation Brackets

    Anyone ever mess with these? If so, any pics? Since Im getting the side mount license plate now, Would love to put the turn signals on the upper shock mount, seeing as I also have no passenger seat. British Customs Turn Signal Relocation Brackets - Rocket III - Triumph Motorcycle Cruisers -...
  6. dache

    Tsukayu Corner Bags with Easy Brackets

    Has anyone tried these bags with easy brackets: Tsukayu Fairing, Hard Saddlebags and Touring Trunk ? I know there have been several people with Strong/Jumbo Strong + Easy Bracket installations. However, i like the look of the Corner bags better, but am wondering if the curved back side will...
  7. baadactor

    Ghost Brackets?

    I've been poking around the albums, and **** there's some fine bikes. I just came across some ghost brackets for the Triumph leather bags... They are hooligan67's set-up. Does anyone know where to find these? I have the leather bags on my bike, and those look just the ticket! Thanks!
  8. mikemartin88

    K-Drive Bags with EasyBrackets?

    Sorry if this has been covered somewhere, but I looked and couldn't find it. Has anyone mounted K-Drive bags using EasyBrackets? I want to put bags on my R3, and like everything about the K-Drive bags except the bar that's left on the bike when the bags are removed. Thanks for any info! Mike
  9. Ghost Brackets (continued...)

    Ghost Brackets (continued...)

    More pics of this great product. All components are very well made and the whole thing took about an hour to install. Bike looks super-clean when the bags are off.
  10. Ghost Brackets (continued...)

    Ghost Brackets (continued...)

    More pics of this great product. All components are very well made and the whole thing took about an hour to install.
  11. Ghost Brackets (continued...)

    Ghost Brackets (continued...)

    More pics of this great product. All components are very well made and the whole thing took about an hour to install.
  12. Flipmeister Brackets

    Fitted the superb brackets on my rocket today , one of the easiest mods I have fitted to the bike , 10 mins job done . Look great on . Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Thanks Flip
  13. Pictures of Easy Brackets with factory saddlebags

    Highly recommended mod. Easy to put the bags on and take them off, returning to a clean look.
  14. VictoryDaveAZ

    Saddlebags and Easy Brackets

    Just got some Ledrie Rigid Back Leather Saddlebags and Easy Brackets. Was wondering how high the bags need to be above the exhaust. Can someone measure their Triumph saddlebag distance on the right or 2-muffler side, from the top of the top muffler to the bottom of the bag? Maybe the distance...